Saturday, March 31, 2012

Online Dating Do's and Don'ts

Well, I told you guys I would do an online dating experience and even though I haven't went on a date with anyone on there, I can say that there are quite a few potentials. I have had a few friends tell me about online dating and have thought, eh I'm still young, I'll save that resource for later. But when I think about how much I am isolated from the real world due to the "Parker bubble", online dating sounded like a really good way to meet people in the area. So no, I didn't go into this thinking I was going to meet the love of my life or even find a date. I kind of just wanted to meet someone who wasn't a chiropractor or didn't go to Parker. 

When I joined OkCupid a few weeks ago I decided to do a little experimentation. The first day I decided to just fill out my profile with basic information and answer some of the questions that are supposed to help you find your match.

If you are the idiot that chose the not even think about messaging me.
You can see how this question/ answer system can help you find your soulmate....hahaha! There were actually more relevant questions on the site. These were just a couple of my favorites.

So anyways, I answered a few of these questions, didn't put up a profile pic and called it a night. The next day I had a couple of messages. Interesting right? Some guys actually don't give a damn what you look like; some are actually interested in what your interests are. Go figure. 

I then took the next step in finding a decent and recent picture of myself and posted it on the site and the messages started to pour in a little faster. Next step: Close up. People wanted to know what you really look like, but there was no increase in the the rate of messages coming in with the face shot.

So then I put a full body pic up that shows off the only asset that I have...and viola! Money maker!! Messages out of the wazoo!! If ever you needed a self-esteem boost, go on an online dating site. You will have a billion people tell you how beautiful you are. The final step was to put the obnoxious bikini photo up and wouldn't you know it...guys stopped messaging! There are guys that actually think like me! When I see a man half naked on his online dating profile I think these things: obnoxious, conceited, selfish, and prick. 

My profile pictures on the site
My favorite obviously full of himself guy was a guy that had a profile pic of himself showing off his rock hard abs. When I went on to read his profile he answered the What do people notice about me question like this, "People usually say that I'm attractive, that's the first thing they notice most of the time but i only think i'm decent looking." 
^^Really? You only think you are decent looking, but you proudly show yourslef off in your profile pic? Ugh Prick.

My messages came from an assortment of men: tall, short, witty, annoying, nerdy and weird. Here is my advice for men who choose to online date:

  • Do not make your profile pic a pic of you wearing a dragon mask (like not one of those cute chinese ones, like a komodo dragon mask -_-)
  • If you are said person, do not send a message that says, "do you like dragons?" My answer will always be no.
  • Do not make your profile name "nastylove". That only makes it sound like you have the clap.
  • Do not send a message that says, "I am sorry to bother you, but do I look gay?" Ummmmm
  • Do learn how to spell before sending someone a message. Decided has never been spelled decited. 
  • Do not be in a relationship. I feel like that is self explanatory, but there is actually an option for that.
  • Do not diss the town a girl is from before finding out where she is from...
  • Do not keep asking a girl for her number after she told you no for the 3rd time.

I have had the most interesting time on this website and may continue it as a source of entertainment. There are a couple of successful men on there that I am currently messaging back and forth, so you never know what will happen. Soon, I would hope to conclude my experiment by going on a date with one of these fellas, just to see if this online dating crap is actually worth anyone's time. So until then there are your do's and don'ts....well your online dating do and don'ts. =)

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