Friday, January 27, 2012

The Only Thing I Can Run

While talking to childhood bestie, I realized how hard it is for me to keep up any kind of relationship other than that with my family. Alright you caught me, even those relationships aren't the best. My realtionship with my mother is awful; Judge me AFTER you have a Korean mother who pretends to understand what you are saying by nodding her head when in all actuality she has not a single clue what the words coming out of your damn mouth really mean.
I know, she is cute as hell right?!
Growing up, I heard the word dictionaria (<-- yes, that is how she says dictionary) more times than the librarian at the New York public library. There are a lot of Asians running around in New York, so I'm sure they heard the term "dictionaria" on several occasions. I couldn't even be a normal rebellious teenager. I would tell my mom, "whatever" and she would respond with, "Whateber? Whatsa whateber mean?" Yes, I would be the girl that failed at disrespecting her own parent. That is probably why she thinks Im such a sweetheart--she never knew when I was insulting her. If my mom had her own mental Korean English dictionary, she would truly realize what a mean little shit she raised.

This misunderstanding is what leads to our unpleasant mother daughter relationship. I yell in English, she yells in Korean. This is probably why I hate arguing. I always believed no one ever won an argument so it was pointless to do so. When you are arguing in two totally different languages though, the aimlessness increases ten fold. I know what you are about to say, "Diamond, stop being a little bitch and learn Korean." No one ever thinks I am the victim here. EVER. I know enough Korean to understand my mothers rants and conversations. In fact, I know how to read and write that shit. I took classes.

If you are going to get offended by my racist comments, you should probably stop reading. There is nothing I can't stand more than a person that immigrates to this damn country and refuses to learn the fucking language of the land. I mean, give me a break, she has lived here for 26 years! Surrounded with English spoken by her daughter, her husband, the cashiers at Walmart, and telemarketers! There is no way, none, whatsoever, that she shouldn't  have a pretty decent vocabulary. When my mom gets frustrated with me because she doesn't understand, she asks me to speak to her in Korean. I politely remind the women that has surrounded herself by every Korean person imaginable in Leesvile, that WE LIVE IN AMERICA!! She has done herself an injustice by not venturing out and obtaining English speaking friends. And God forbid she gets a disease like Alzheimer's. I will ship her in a box back to Korea so fast...

I guess she is waiting for the day that Korean will be as popular and as cool as Mexican. Ugh, I can't tell you how annoyed I was working in retail and having elementary schooled children interpret for their parents. You mean to tell me that you have been in America long enough to have your child go to school here and be completely fluent in the language, but you can't even tell me what you need help with? And then WE as Americans need to adopt the language. I have no problem learning multiple languages, but if it is so I can accommodate some lazy fuck from coming over here and refusing to learn the language you've got me twisted.

And that is my rant about my mother. HAHAHA I love the woman I really do. She is the only mother I have and if I could give her the world I would. That's just the type of person I am. Overly loving. That's why my relationship with the opposite sex never works out either. There are usually two girls in the picture, me and someone else...not that I know that at the time. The other girl is always the "better catch" and since she is, she is usually taken or realizes her worth and won't give this guy the time of day. I am a good second choice though. Super sweet, cute, smart, and damn it...I'm gonna be a doctor one day. That alone makes guys see $$$ and an awesome lifestyle. When I love, I give it my all and that is awesome for the guy who still can't help but wonder what life would be like with the other girl. They usually find out 99.99% of the time. I end up a little angry, but hey, were all friends. All of us except dick wad. His infidelity took it to another level.

That leaves my friendshits. I don't have a lot of them because, well, they just don't work out. You think a girl is going to be your best friend forever and they just prove to be a selfish lying bitch 2 years later. Take the little chick that was dating my heart -- the little brother. While he was away playing basketball, she was busy cheating on him with this guy that she would bring to my house everyday and have me hang out with them so things wouldn't look suspicious. (If you haven't realized this by now...I am oblivious to everything going on around me.) Well anyways, when new friend, soon to be roommate, figured out what was going on, the sneak finally told me the truth and asked me not to tell. So I didn't. I was pissed, but it wasn't my business to tell. Then this skank proceeds to call my actual best friend at the time and tell her that I have been talking about her (I'm pretty blunt, I have no time to talk about people). So she essentially "breaks up" with me. That is when I learned that the best thing liars know how to do is lie...and to never trust a 4'11 Nicaraguan as far as you can throw them...which is futher then most, but you get the cliche'. In fact, I told childhood bestie that I am pretty sure that I am done with my run of hispanic girlfriends, but those are different stories for different times.
Halloween with who used to be my best friend and the untrustworthy skank.
So yea, my realtionships with most people suck. I'm hoping to have a better relationship with my patients one day *fingers crossed* hence why I am going to hire an awesome front desk girl to mask my personality flaws. Until then I can keep using my outlets...running and blogging. Alright, who am I kidding? The only thing I can run is my blog.

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