Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Say Grace

Oh Chiropractic school, how you exhaust me! Its only Tuesday and I am exhausted. I shouldn't have fallen out of my 6 am routine because it has come to bite me in the ass. I felt like 4:50 pm would never come, especially when people kept wanting to talk about that damn football game last night. UGH.  Look, Les Miles and I are no longer on speaking terms (obviously since we were at some point) because he wouldn't listen to me about Jordan Jefferson. A kid that is willing to lose his football deal by getting in a bar fight preseason should NOT be praised and allowed to play so horribly in a BCS bowl game. And that will be my rant about that.
We may actually be #2, but LSU is always #1 in my heart =)
Anywho...while watching the worst football game that any LSU fan or football fan period has ever seen (Thank God for beer), I was making crockpot lasagna. Found the recipe on Pinterest (click me) and tracked it down to six sister's stuff blog...guess who is now stalking their blog for recipes!!! =) I was quite surprised on how well this lasagna turned out. I ate a ton of it and put the rest in freezable containers to save for those days when I don't want to cook. I can't even tell you how excited I am to eat "a ton" of something and have left overs. I used to just eat a decent amount and let my fat bastard ex boyfriend eat the rest and be pissed that I would never have left overs for lunch. No bitterness here. 

All in all, I can say that my slow cooker was the best present that I have given myself this Christmas. I can  keep myself busy with all the recipes I pin and have a shit ton of food prepared. This is gonna come in handy because the doctors at MD Anderson told my parent's that my step-dad only has a few weeks left on his clock and I will be making trips back to Louisiana every weekend to make sure that no time spent is with regret. I'm so blessed to go to a school with an amazing faculty that is willing to modify my schedule to make my 5 hour trek every weekend. 

Every time I think about the possibility of losing one of the greatest men I have ever known...I get so pissed. Life is a fucking bitch and Lil Wayne said, "Death is her sister" and I could not agree more. Ya'll when I say he is a good man, I mean if I ever have the chance to be with a man HALF as good as him, I would be the luckiest girl in the world. I am his little princess...and I never had to be. It says a lot about a man that loves a child that is not his own as much as he loves me.
Acting absolutely ridiculous some YEARS ago

He was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer when doing a simple umbilical hernia surgery a little over a year ago. The cancer was found at the tail of his pancreas and had spread into his stomach because of the surgery. Sometimes I think...if they would have just done a CAT scan before the surgery...maybe they would have seen it and opted not to cut into him. But there is no point in dwelling on that now. He has been doing chemo at MD Anderson in Houston once a week since that time and was doing pretty fine until they decided to do radiation on his stomach since there was growth in his stomach cancer. After the radiation the cancer spread to his bones and now he is in excruciating pain.

College Graduation December '09

The man may have a past, but he made up for it when he raised me. A man that good should not have to die so painfully. And that's where I am. Being selfish because I want him around but wishing God would take him because he is in SO much pain. So this is why I joke, blog, cook, craft, curse and everything else under the sun. To keep my mind off the misfortunes/ secret blessings in my life. But a 5 hour trip back and forth to Leesville, Louisiana every weekend should definitely make for some interesting/hilarious blogs. 

Last Christmas break

Our happy little family

So if ya'll wouldn't mind, send some shout outs to God for me and my family when you're at your dinner table about to say grace!

Christmas '11

 Over 50 of His co-workers and their family members came to the house to sing him Christmas carols to encourage him to keep fighting despite what the doctors say. This is a picture of my parents holding hands and crying because they are so moved by this gesture. Truly Blessed.

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