Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cuter than a Basket Full of Puppies

I wasn't going to post anything this weekend but my controversial Facebook status inspired this one. I swear Facebook sets you up for failure. First of all, it asks you, "What's on your mind?" And anybody who knows anybody that knows anybody who knows me (my sister's cousin's brother's best friend's grandma) KNOWS I will say what is on my damn mind. I blame it on the decreased function of my basal ganglia A.K.A. that filter that everyone has...yea, mine sucks.

Either Facebook causes problems in your relationship with your significant other (it is the number 2 killer to a relationship following text messaging) or it causes conflict in your relationship with a few of your 1000 some odd "friends". Social networking is bullshit. 7% of communication consists of words. I wiki'd it. That means everything else is non-verbal. So, since I can't Skype my fucking Facebook status, someone out there is ALWAYS gonna take it the wrong way.

How I feel about said people:
  • Get the hell over it
  • Delete me bitch
I mean come on!!! It is Facebook people. It really doesn't dictate life. Example: If I put that I am engaged to a girl on Facebook, it could mean that I either, moved to one of the six states in which gay marriage is legal, OOOORRRR I just put that I am engaged to my girlfriend for shits and giggles. But sweet baby Jesus, some idiot is going to tell me congrats on my changed relationship status. For all of you idiots (who probably aren't idiots they just happen to NOT be real life friends) out there...unless you see a picture of the ring on's probably for shits and giggles. 

I know, I now you are getting really antsy about what I put on my status or you minimized this page to go stalk my status updates. But I'm not ready for that yet. I still want to bitch about social networking and the people that use them. It's funny because we all would like to think that we are unique individuals, but were not. Were all humans with the same damn tendencies. You probably fall into one of these Facebook user categories:
  • The Facebook Stalker <-- You do just that. Then you call your girlfriend up to talk about so and so getting knocked up
  • The Negative Nancy <-- You use Facebook as your outlet to bitch about every little fucking thing you hate about your life. Get a therapist. 
  • The Attention Whore <-- You leave open ended statuses so people can ask you, "what's wrong?"   and or you take pics of yourself all day and post them waiting anxiously for people to comment. My favorite: *posts picture* caption - I look so bad without makeup...Really bitch?
  • The Jesus Freak <-- Your status is a positive encouraging status and or bible verse (I like these people when I am having a bad day)
  • The Captain Obvious <-- Your status tells us what you are doing every second of the day. Ex - "I'm breathing!" *10 minutes later* "Still breathing!"
  • The Random Ranter <-- That would be me. You say random things that usually stir up some kind of drama.
Ok. I've made you wait long enough. 

I ended with my favorite comment. There are more, but as you know, I am pretty lazy and don't feel like taking more screen shots. Moral of the story...Don't really put whats on your mind unless you are ready for your phone to buzz off the hook because you have a million notifications on who liked your status or comments AND the 28 comments that were made in response to your status. 

In lighter news, I've been needing my haircut for a while. I however, am deathly afraid of new stylist in my hair. So Molly found a wonderful deal on Living Social for a $39 deep conditioning and haircut with a master stylist at Jekyll & Hyde Transformation Salon. I was pleased with my haircut and happy to help out a small business! If you decide to go, you will probably pass it up twice like Molly and I did because the location of the salon is a little sketch. The girls were super nice though and did a good job with our hair! So click the link to get you a haircut and be cuter than a basket full of puppies!!!

The bangs are bangin' and my hair is so soft!
Louisiana humidity sucks but my bangs still look good!

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