Thursday, January 12, 2012

Busier Than a Cat Covering Up Crap on a Marble Floor

I skipped a whole day in blogging! Which isn't unusual for me. I have commitment issues. What had happened was, I started cooking and forgot that I hadn't clipped coupons. Those two things are muy importante. Especially when the thing you are cooking is spinach stuffed portobello mushroom burgers. They were absolutely FANTASTIC marinated in balsamic vinegar red wine goodness. I mean come on...the ingredients had red wine in it. Of course it's gonna taste fantastic. Then again my friend Molly "firmly believes that portobellos are impossible to make anything less then amazing" and I may have to agree!!

I also went shopping at Marshalls. I needed to get a black dress in preparation...but I ended up buying shelves for my cramped kitchen and balsamic vinegar AND roasted bell peppers <-- random, I know. Oh and I also bought those fancy bottles that you put your balsamic vinegar and olive oil in. I mean, if I am going to display them on a shelf, they need to be pretty!! But the most important task of the entire day was to clip my coupons from the Sunday paper. No one reads those things anymore. Well I do...I bought it, might as well get some use out of it. I also use the paper to clean glass and mirrors. So all in all...getting some savings in my grocery shopping and paper to clean my glass and mirrors is a pretty good deal for $3. Im just saying. Cute Southern grad student on a budget here!!

Probably the more interesting of the stories is that I lost my cat Papaya today. Its probably the coldest day this winter here...or what feels like the coldest day. My face feels like it is gonna fall off, its terribly windy, and my nose continuously runs ONLY when I'm outside. So needless to say, when this little bitch ran out, I was reluctant to chase her like I normally do. Ok Ok Ok...This sounds bad. Let's recap my life with Papaya.

She just photographs well...she is really evil.
Life with Papaya

  • The corner of the carpet in my apartment is pulled up
  • the right side of my couch is torn up
  • there are piss stains on the carpet next to her litter box that is impossible to steam clean (Pinterest however, gave me a solution for that and I can't wait to try it)
  • she pisses in the bathtub
  • she will randomly take shits outside of her ginormous booda dome litter box that I bought her
  • my ex cheated on me our entire relationship
  • Ok, that one ^^ may not be her fault
I mean this is the same cat who shit in her kennel 30 minutes into our 5 hour trip back to Dallas. No big deal you say? 30 minutes into my drive is in Kisatchie National Forest. I was NOT pulling over in the middle of no where on a windy road. I saw that Grey's Anatomy episode. Not cool. 

Grey's Anatomy Season 8: episode 9
When I finally had some sense enough to pull over an hour and a half later in Shreveport, I was dead hungry. I drove through the Wendy's window ( I needed napkins), got a couple of dollar items and parked my car in a gas station beside a dumpster so I could clean out this kennel. Like I said, this bitch has a habit of running away so I closed my front door so neither her or the dog would get out while I was in the back cleaning the kennel and getting shit all over my hands. Well I of course need to throw the trash away so I close the back door throw the trash away two feet from where I parked my car and my cute stupid dog Kiwi locked Papaya and herself in. -_-

Damsel in distress here!!! I embarrassingly walk into the gas station, wash my hands, and ask for a phone book. I needed to call pop-a-lock. Damn it, the only thing I wanted to do was get back home in my bed, but I guess these are the moments where God is like, slow your little anxious butt down. Jokes on you!! God laughs in my expense a lot. Its cool. Me and Jesus are homies. ( <--- A.D.D. moment. )
Apparently there is no pop-a-lock service in Shreveport because no one is answering their phones!! Oh and by the way...I don't have my phone. It is locked in the car. So I can't even call any of my Shreveport friends. 

This brilliant man in the line at the gas station...yes there was a long line, questioned my situation. I told him and he said, "Ya know the fire department will unlock your doors if there's animals in it. That's considered an emergency". If that man was a little taller, had dark hair, green eyes, and an accent other than Southern, I would have kissed him. Instead, I thanked him and had the Shreveport fire department on their way! When they arrived, one of the most gorgeous men came out of that truck. Embarrasing. I have on no make-up, barely put a brush in my hair because I was running late, probably still smelled like poo, and my animals outsmarted me by locking me out of the car. Great. He got the doors of my running car unlocked, and told me that he was a hero and saved the day. If he only knew. 

Some of you may say, what does that have to do with Papaya? Well if she wouldn't have shit in the car,  Kiwi would have never had the opportunity to lock me out. I mean, what if I didn't see that episode of Grey's? That could have happened to me in a place with no gas station or cell reception. Not that the cell phone thing would have mattered anyways, but you see my point. I wish I had my cell phone though, because the pictures would have been hilarious. 

My big, strong, hunting shih-tzu, Kiwi and I will go on one last escapade for Papaya tonight. If she doesn't come in, she will have to fend for herself this weekend while I am out of town. I just hope she doesn't get knocked up...she isn't fixed...but I'm pretty sure that was the little slut's plan. Im too young to be a grandmother, so I guess me and Kiwi will be busier than a cat covering up crap on a marble floor. 

Outfitted for our kitty escapade

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