Sunday, January 15, 2012

Smile! It increases your face value.

Papaya update:

She never came home!

As much as I hate my cat, I am super sad that she is gone. More than anything, Im sad for my puppy. I bought Papaya for Kiwi (yes, I bought a pet for my pet) so that when I moved to Dallas and would be too busy to entertain my dog, someone/ something else would entertain her. They grew up together and now Kiwi is without her sister. 

Kiwi and Papaya in their favorite window

My little snuggle bears
Luckily, Kiwi's real sister only lives 15 minutes away from us, so while I went back to the country visiting the parentals, Kiwi stayed in the city and is hanging out with her sister Cotton. As you can guess, without any animals, my five hour drive here was highly uneventful. I should have brought a bottle of wine on the trip to get the party started. Maybe next week. =/ I mean, I'm sure I'll have a reason or two to drink and drive. 

Reason I should have drove and drank this week: My life with my ex haunts me. This bastard still hasn't changed his address to his place with the new bitch. The best part is, my ex was once married to a girl that wasn't quite fond of me in high school nor was I a fan of hers. So since they have the same last name, I get her junk mail to. This would be the story of my life:

Capital One, if you cant figure out who lives here, why would I trust you with my credit?

It seems to me that this no good SOB is just trying to run from his problems. For example, since he has yet to change his address to the I-635 bridge, or apartment of liars, cheaters, and idiots, I still get his mail from Virginia for his child support. I write return to sender on the mail, but obviously someone isn't getting the hint. Really, my hint to an awful relationship should have been...what is his real reason for not paying the full amount of his child support?? He has a job and I agreed to pay rent as long as he paid all of our bills....hmmmmmm. It's all cool though, because when I looked at his mail ( I did NOT open it for the record) it said that his debt is over $7,000 in back child support. So yes, dear Cristina...bless your heart since you have offered to take care of him (which you should have done the entire time anyway seeing as you were also sleeping with him) because I refused to any longer. HA. And she says they are gonna work on having a baby. BAHAHAHA what makes you think he will take care of your kid when he can't take care of the two he has?? Ok...getting off that rant. 

I can't wait for the day when I am over this stupid situation and can not want to throw up whenever a person of the opposite sex tries to hit on me. For now, nausea will ensue every time a man walks over in my direction. I just assume now that all men have ulterior motives or has a girlfriend of some sort. And in my experience of disgusting men that have been trying to pursue me after my break up, that statement is true. I obviously have, "take advantage of me" written on my forehead. Oh, and for all those wanting a dad update. He is as well as a man in his situation can be. 

Despite my angry reminiscing, I have brought my crock pot therapy home to Louisiana. Currently, I am making crock pot baked apples. It smells amazing in this kitchen as it should. There are cored apples stuffed with cinnamon, brown sugar, and walnuts, swimming in a bath of apple juice in here!!

No judging. I didn't have anything to core the apples with.

 So there are several benefits that came out of my break up: losing a ton of weight (<== BTW, if someone buys you a cute bikini for Christmas and you want to show it off on Facebook, be fat. Otherwise people think you are trying to be conceited.), learning new recipes, having more money, and spending more time with people that actually love me. In conclusion, when going through a break up, listen to Truvy from Steel Magnolias and, "Smile! It increases your face value."

1 comment:

  1. The apples look amazing. You're hired!!!! ;) And PS... it gets better every day. I know that saying is seriously dumb as shit, but time heals everything in its own way. Just keep doing what you're doing and eventually the bad feelings turn to a peaceful instinct/knowledge. :) And it also helps a ton if you share your crockpot creations with your big girl homies in other states. I'll send you my addy ;)
