Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Keep Your Southern Hands Tied

So either you or your girlfriend definitely has a Pinterest. And why not? It is soooooo addicting! If you are living under a rock, Pinterest is an exclusive online pin board. Yes, exclusive. They have to send you an invite. Fancy eh?? The cool kids get on and pin pictures of their dream homes, weddings, cars, photos etc...I know... I don't make it sound exciting, BUT it definitely is; especially since they allow you to have this ridiculous "pin it" button on the top of your browser so you can pin EVERY little thing you come across on the internet!!!! I mean, yes...some people need to be arrested by the "pin it" police, but the same can be said about some people and their all too telling Facebook status. So follow me on Pinterest!! Click Here to stalk my pins!

Being the pin-a-holic that I am, I came across a shit ton of DIY stuff. I pinned some of it thinking, "that would be nice to do", but never thinking that I would actually commit to doing any of it. Well, if you have never experienced an awful break up, I will be the first to let you know that you must keep busy. So I chose to keep busy with my hands...yea yea yea...that's what she said. When I was still in what I thought was happy, loving relationship and newbie on Pinterest, I found an old dresser in our apartment trash. It had some dings here and there, but you could definitely see the potential. So, I asked my strong, douche bag boyfriend, to help me bring it back to our apartment so I could revamp it like I saw on Pinterest. Well let me tell you that that dresser sat in this house FORever and was the topic of a lot of "disagreements". When the break up happened, I couldn't wait to prove that dick wrong. I was going to revamp that damn dresser. So instead of focusing on my 10 finals that week, I decided to use some elbow grease to make me a fabulous dresser.
As you see, things turned out rather well. Now that I am back from my Christmas break in Louisiana, I HAVE to keep up this "crafting" in order to stay busy and not want to punch every man I have ever met for the wrong-doings of my ex. Well...That dresser needed something on top of it, other than my fabulous teal lamp I got from Ross for $9.99 and my elephant. I remembered pinning some sparkly letters and of course, once I remembered that they sparkled, doing this project was a must. 

I went to Hobby Lobby bought all my gear, and then some and got to work! I started off painting my cute little curly Q letters orange. (Note: Do not buy curly Q letters to paint. Getting inside of those Q's is a bitch.) So I let those dry and wouldn't you know it...I prove to be an idiot. Paint is like glue everyone. When you paint wood letters and put them on paper it sticks. SIGH 
After peeling my sprouts ad off the back of my letters I got to do the fun part. Modge Podge and glitter!! I had glitter all over my pretty faux wood floors...which come to think of it may the reason why my dog can't stop throwing up...but I was so excited to see the finished results!

I chose the word Joy because that is what I need in my life right now; I instantly achieved that feeling once I put my new creation on the dresser. Joy, is a short lived son of a bitch though. I definitely can't have a weekend where I say that I truly relaxed and didn't think about shit. As if locking me out of my car wasn't enough (that's another story), Kiwi got doggy sick. She puked all over my couch, four times on the carpet and then...the bed. Instead of spending time on crafts, I need to spend time figuring out how to get a washer dryer. After stripping my bed clean and putting fresh sheets and a new blanket on I fell asleep with my sick little puppy. In the middle of the night however, I was awakened by the sound of my dog throwing up on the bed AGAIN. So cheers to me for having to go out and do laundry in the rain, but at least I will keep my southern hands tied. 

Diamond and Kiwi wishing the LSU Tigers luck tonight! Geaux Tigers!

1 comment:

  1. Diamond, you made that dresser look like something out of a fancy furniture store- good job!
