Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Girls Talk About at Slumber Parties

I have been drinking 3 days in a row without a hangover so that can only mean one thing...My college alcohol tolerance is back! Last night Molly asked if she could come over for a slumber party! We went out with a few guys from my high school and their friends since they were here to do the Tough Mudder. I didn't think I was drunk, but when I looked back at the evidence...I was. 

Most guys think that girls (and I am talking about the grown up kind here) get together in sexy lingerie and have pillow fights when they have slumber parties. You are about to see what really goes down. I couldn't make these conversations up if I wanted to. We literally let the camera roll for 40 minutes and was ourselves. Enjoy the next three educational minutes of your lives listening to what girls talk about at slumber parties. 

Conclusion: Your iPhone sucks because you can't watch this. Oh...sorry side tracked... girls talk about absolutely nothing and wear t-shirts and pajama pants...not even the Victoria's secret kind =S

Hope you guys enjoyed your April Fool's day and aren't too upset at me for my Facebook engagement prank. My friends that participated and I are convinced that the day I actually get engaged, no one will believe me! HAHAHA 

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