Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do Your Baby's Hair!

I'm on break so it is absolutely appropriate for my get on here everyday of my life and type. I won't be doing that though. I am trying to get more out of this break. Find me...or whatever people find on beaches. I apologize for my slack in posting. The last two weeks of school were insane for me, but I PASSED all my classes, will officially be moving on to Tri 7, and am 60% Dr. Diamond now ;)

My life lately:
  •  I discovered Instagram. I have been snapping pictures left and right.
Flowers from my mom's gorgeous garden
  • I gave into the city life and planted an herb garden! If you are in Dallas and aren't busy, please go water them!
I have no idea why only 2/3rds of this picture appeared

  • I bought Diamond Candles. <--- Click the link!! Coolest thing ever! They are soy candles with surprise rings in them valued at different prices. It is like Cracker Jacks for candles! The PERFECT Mother's day gift.
The rings I got in my candles!

  • I got a tan in Long Beach, MS.
Sun, friends, beach, and bikini
Molly made the perfect beach model
  • I found out that I am allergic to the Kinesiotex brand kinesiotape because I am allergic to EVERYTHING!

  • I brought the traveling owl back! He traveled 2 of the largest bridges in the US including the largest one, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway!
Traversing on the U.S's 4th largest bridge

WARNING: Rant approaching!
  • Went to a lovely wedding with lovely people. 

  • Facebook-ed a little... A LOT!

Ok...here is my rant. Since I have been Facebook stalking at the level of Ch...a person we know...a professional, I have been annoyed with one thing in particular. And white people, don't get mad when I tell you this, but someone needs to say it. I am so unbelievably annoyed with white people (or other non black races for that matter) having half black babies and not doing that poor babies hair! 

Look, I get it. You ain't used to that "kinky" stuff on top of their head, but that don't mean ignore it! There are some rules to curly hair, and most of my curly headed friends, white or black know them (though 99.999% of my friends are white). This reminds me of a Grey's Anatomy episode I watched a few weeks ago. You know because Grey and McDreamy adopted a black baby (since that is obviously the cool thing for rich white people to do). 

It is not like your hair! Curly hair craves moisture and loses it quickly. So stop washing their hair every day like you do yours.  Put some moisturizer or leave-in-conditioner in that shit. Stop using cheap ass shampoo like Pantene Pro-V and Dove. Don't put gel in baby's hair! Do you not see what rubbing alcohol does to your skin? It dries it out...same concept. By all means, if you slept with a nigga don't you have some black friends? Ask them for help! Stop having your baby running around looking cray cray. It is only a matter of time before they get into elementary school...and kids are brutal. 

If my Korean mother could figure out what to do with my hair when I was a kid, there is no excuse for you English and Spanish (because everyone speaks spanish) speaking mofos. Y'all or someone you know want to know some good shampoos and styling products, call me, text me, e-mail me, something. I just can't go on ignoring this issue! Kudos to all the women out there who have used their resources! My friend who got married this weekend has an adorable niece with super curly hair and her curls looked fabulous all day long! So it is possible people. No one has had the balls to tell you until now, but please please please do your baby's hair!

1 comment:

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