Saturday, April 7, 2012

Confessions of a Tired Southern Belle

I try to live my life without regret. Try being the key word. I want to be one of those people that says, "I don't regret anything I have done because it brought me to where I am today." As much as I would like to say that this phrase is true, I can't help but to be a girl and give my uterus full control and ask, "what if?" What if I would have done something different and the outcome of my life would be completely changed? Would I be happier? Would I have more knowledge?

My confession of the day is I have a few regrets. Here they are:

  • I regret not going on vacation with my parents

My parents wanted to do a family vacation when I graduated college, but I was too much of a brat and didn't want to go because I didn't "want to spend Christmas in a hotel room." They did a road trip up the East coast and if you would have told me then that that would have been the only opporotunity I would have to have a family vacation...I would have done it.

  • I regret not saving my money in high school or college

Seriously? I can't even believe some of the things I wasted my money on back then. I have absolutely nothing to show for the years that I worked as a CNA or a retail associate with no real bills (What I'd give NOT to have real bills again). I could have boobs by now! At least I always had extra cute clothes and shoes right??

Cute clothes? Check! Amazing shoes? Check! 

  • I regret my parents not buying me the SUV I wanted for college graduation

Ok. I guess this really isn't my regret. And yes, my parents paid off the small amount of student loans (they gave me a card that said, "I know you thought you were getting a car...) I took out because I mostly paid for school with my scholarships and my job, but if I knew that I would be on my 3rd POS car, I would have convinced them that I needed a new car for graduation! In the end, what was another $6,000 on top of the $150,000 I am going to owe anyway? $6000 on a new car would have been a smarter investment.

  • I regret getting rid of my gym membership when I got to Dallas because "my school has a gym!"

Ugh. It is so much easier to stay fit than to become out of shape from sitting in a classroom for 8+ hours a day, staying up late, eating crap, and drinking daily and getting fit AGAIN!! I thought I'd stay in shape since the school has a gym, but after sitting in a classroom all day in which your professors rotate out, the LAST place I want to be after 5pm is at Parker College of Chiropractic. 

I know you guys are gonna be like, but you were never fat. And you are right! I wasn't ever fat, but I was  also NOT fitting into my clothes and I couldn't run down a hallway without being out of breath! 2 weeks of woking out 6 days a week with a workout I found on Pinterest and you can start to see my abs and waist again! I still have a little bit to go before I get back to my toned up body, but I am on the way to bringing sexy back!
Thankfully, I can say I don't have too many regrets...and they aren't serious ones for that matter. Everything I've done in the past I'd do again. But If I could go back in time and talk to my past self, I would definitely tell her to save some money, buy a car, work out, and never take for granted any moment you have with your parents! These are the confessions of a tired southern belle. 

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