Friday, April 27, 2012

Have You Heard of Little Avery?

Have you heard of little Avery?

There is a sweet blog I follow that I would love for all of you guys to follow to! It is about a little 5 month old named Avery who has a fatal genetic condition called SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). <--google it! Orrrrr just read what Avery wrote:
"SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants & children under the age of 2, yet most people have never heard of it, most OB/GYN's do not offer tests for it, and it's not included when performing genetic pre-screening tests for other potential diseases & disorders.  There is currently no cure and it attacks the muscles which causes inefficiency of the major bodily organs - especially of the respiratory system - and eventually leads to death.  1 in 40 people are carriers of the SMA gene.  Meaning my mommy and daddy had a 1 in 1600 chance of both having it and even then there was only a 1 in 6400 chance I would get it."
The entire blog (17 posts and counting) is told from her point of view and is about her completing a bucket list! She has made the news and is working on an Ellen show appearance! I hope you guys will all join me in spreading the word about SMA seeing as it has such a high prevalence for something none of us have ever heard of! I can't even imagine what that family is going through, but I applaud them in their strength and not taking a single day with little Avery for granted! 

I promise to return to normal blogging, but until then, please read Avery's blog and have a few smiles and cries. 

Click here to go to Avery's first post!

Thanks guys (and gals...mostly gals)!!!


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