Monday, April 16, 2012

Who is Stalking Who?

Instead of twiddling my thumbs on the couch waiting for my PT grade to post, I decided to put my fingers to good use and give my followers what they love. I have been insanely stressed out and in turn, this has made me extremely emotional. I even cried for no reason today. WTF?? I was sitting in our cafe' at school  when Molly started talking wedding, and I got so emotional about being back home for the funeral when she went to go try on dresses. That is a huge deal. And I missed it amongst other things. That was in February and I am JUST NOW getting sad about it. I. am. such. an. emotional. LOSER!

But seriously, ridiculously emotional. I was super excited this weekend because I had a date planned with a potentially good guy. Awesome right? Moving on! Dating! WHOO!!! Studies had to come first of course. So, after getting some study boot camp in with my friends, I went home to go do girl stuff. You know, hair, make-up, and pick out a decent outfit? I was just getting ready to paint my toes when there is a knock at the door. 
The classic "take a picture in the mirror and post on a social netwoking site" photo of what I was getting ready to look like. =)

My fan-freaking-tastic Guess heels I wore because my date was tall. Score!
Weird. Maintence doesn't ever show up on Saturdays. It's possible that I have a package. Maybe one of my friends is coming over to surprise me! It could be my over enthusiastic upstairs neighbor trying to hook me up with his nephew again. I probably just made that knock up in my head because my dog didn't bark. Perhaps it is someone who has the wrong apartment.
I open the door and UGH! I see this .... (Ok, John Carl of all people thinks that I cuss too much, so here is my cool, calm, and collected version of this post) two-timing, good for nothing, lying, douche-bag at my door. My heart was racing with rage. I wanted to just be like, "What the fuck are you doing here?" (Sorry JC), but I didn't say anything. I just looked at him. And when I looked at him I was glad to see him. You want to know why? I realized that I did an absolute downgrade in dating that guy. He is SHORT (in company of other things, i.e. lack of intelligence)! No offense to all the shorter guys out there, but I am used to dating tall guys. Hell, I'm 5 freakin 7. I throw on some heels and I am 6 ft, easy. 

He was standing there like he was about something with his head tilted backward so that I could see the insides of his nostrils...intimidating. NOT. Like really? My friends seriously let me date you? No one stopped me? I would not have been able to handle the low genetic potential of my children being tall! I'm half Korean! That is enough right there!!! And you know who I blame? Chase! Yes Chasey, I blame you for always being like, "you need to give the short, light skinned dudes a chance." Worst advice ever little brother. I should NEVER date anyone that has the same physical qualities as you. No offense. 

Anyways, I don't know if I ever looked over before, during, or after he spoke, but I saw something small catch my eye. It was the slut's (the original one, not Papaya) little girl. Obviously she couldn't be far and I was right. She was there to. I chuckled on the inside because I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she was there. Were you afraid I was going to be up your man? Or are you that insecure in your relationship that you had to come with him to his ex's house? 

I hear this dude say, "I heard you have some of my mail." Guess someone else reads my blogs too, because I am pretty sure the message I sent him went something like, I changed your mailing address and I forwarded your mail to your new place, certified mail came to my house, go get your mail at the Farmers Branch post office. My place is CLEARLY not the Farmers Branch post office, but hey, we know how bright these two are. So I turned around and grabbed the most recent mail sitting next to my door and hand that as well as the other pieces of mail in my dining room to him. He said, "thank you" and I closed the door. 

I did not say a word. And why should I? I am moved on from the situation. I just want that stupid chapter of my life closed! Shit, I want someone to burn it for me! Let's replay the situation in our heads on how this could have gone:
I would have said, "what the fuck are you doing here" which would have made him get all defensive and then stirred my hate up even more on the inside. That dumb slut would have taken his side and said something outrageous to me and I would have had to cuss her stupid ass out. Things would have gotten out of hand because there was a child there and I wouldn't have given two shits and yelling would have ensued. My neighbors would have gone all racist on me and called the cops on the black girl next door. Then I would not have been able to get ready dealing with these mofo's and my night with my date would have been ruined. 
So you see, I'm just smart. I had no time for the BS. I know that the reason why that whore came over here with him was because she was looking for drama. Her veins fiend for it. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of pissing me off. Plus, what the hell do I have to say to her? My issues are not with her, it is with that dick who used to live with me and couldn't keep it in his pants (though she would think this is all about her because she is clearly a narcissist). I could care less if that bitch got in a car wreck and died. Molly thinks that is mean, but I really couldn't. That is how insignificant she is in my life. I gave her the silent F U and I am pretty proud. You should be too!

My friends had better reactions to the whole situation. Elle said, "They are just trying to stir up drama for you so you would blog about them and make them feel special." "Did the prego hoe have the nerve to get out of the car without a burqa on?" "You'd think a text could suffice to say, 'Hi, I'm stupid and irresponsible. For months you saved my life and made it a better place for me by taking care of me. Now that I am in despair and I knocked up this hoe for some form if income stability, would you be so kind as to tell me if you have mail addressed to me?" "Goodness gracious. They must be too broke for television if they are trying to create their own drama show." <= BAHAHAHAH This is why I keep Elle Woods around! Wish granted guys! Here is your blog post!

But it is true. It is kind of rude to show up somewhere unannounced and definitely unwanted. I mean, I could have easily shown up to their place with his mail, but I am not a crazy, psycho, bitch. I don't have to stalk people. I was not interested in how people were doing, what they looked like, or how they lived. That is why I was forwarding ALL of the mail. But, you know that phrase "it takes one to know one"? I think it is outrageously hilarious that I have been called a "stalker" but the accuser was the one to actually show up to MY place! HA! Who is stalking who?

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