Wednesday, March 7, 2012

C'est La Vie

I just got off of the phone with the cutest Korean woman in the world and she knows how to put tears in my eyes. I want her to meet me in Shreveport this weekend so I could drop her dog back off to her. I love him and all but he was only supposed to be here to visit. She asked me if she could bring a friend with her  because she doesn't want to ride by herself. No problem right? She got super quiet on the phone. I said, "mom, what's wrong?" She started to cry and said, "I'm sad."

Dear Max, it's been real, but it is time for you to go home
Now, I have never seen my mother cry in my entire life until the last year. She is a strong woman. I've seen her be physically abused when I was a child and not once did she shed a tear. The first time I ever heard her cry was when she called to tell me George had cancer. Now, it just seems kind of normal. She said that she is trying to be strong, but she cries when she eats, when she looks at pictures, and when she sits in the car. That is why she needs someone to come with her. George and her used to drive to Shreveport to visit me all the time, and this time she would have to come alone.

I feel for my mother. I feel her hurt. I cry not only for myself, but for her too. I wish I could make it easier for her. And more than anything I wish I could be closer to her. I hate that she is alone. So I am planning a vacation for me and my mom. I need to start researching places to live, so why not actually go to those places and bring the person I love and am annoyed by the most?! I can't wait to give my absolutely ridiculous mother a hug and tell her it's going to be o.k. She is going to be o.k.

So anyway, last night I had my neighbor knock on my door. I've seen him around...well more than anything I've just seen him check the mail and walk his happy, chubby butt upstairs. Occasionally this guy would do his exercises by walking up and down the stairs several times. All I have ever known about this dude is that he works for the DART train because douche bag told me he did.

Apparently when the asshole I call my ex was "looking" for a job, he talked to our neighbor about working for DART. So they must have gotten to know each other. My neighbor showed me a picture of some crazy looking girl and asked me if I have ever seen her. I told him no, and she said something about the girl stalking him (hopefully he knows the definition of the word). He just figured I must have seen her around because I walk my dog all the time.

After telling him I have never seen his "stalker" in my entire life he wanted to have a conversation. Dude, it is like 8 p.m. and I am in a t-shirt with no bra on. He tells me his name (which I don't remember...I was too concerned with covering my boobs) and puts his hand out. I shake it and tell him mine thinking we were done. No. He says, "I should have introduced myself a long time ago, I'm sorry." I really could care less. I just wanted to go back inside. Then he says, "Where is your husband?? Amar?? Amad??" Did he go back in the service?" I smile. HUGE. Like First I thought it was funny that he assumed I wasn't just living in sin. Then I just looked at him and said, "Oh, your serious! I thought everyone around here knew. He lives with his pregnant girlfriend now." He says, "wait, ummm aren't you his...ummm are you ok?" I laughed and told him yes. Then the creep looked me up and down and said, "Well, he is stupid. His loss." Thanks Mr. Creepy Neighbor man. I appreciate it.

He is absolutely right and I know it, not to sound conceited or anything. Everyone ALWAYS knew I could do much better and if I really think about it, every guy I have ever dated before him was better. I just had a mental slip up and let myself make a dumb decision. So to follow all dumb decisions, I am going to make fun ones. Soccer hottie found out they are doing speed dating in Addison and guess who she wants to go with her?? Yes, that would be moi!

Reminder: speed dating is just for fun! No one ever said that they met their husband speed dating! I just want to go see who goes to these things and what they are all about. There is nothing wrong with meeting a bunch of lonely men. My friends remind me that I need to lie about my career because successful men don't like smart women. No one has to tell me that. That's why I date losers. I am actually reading a book about that now.
I've only read chapter 2 online and then my sweet Elle Woods bought me the book. It is an interesting read!
So it was suggested that I say I am a bus driver or something. I'm sure I will come up with something really good soon and I can't wait to let you know about it! You only live once!! I'm sure something absolutely bizarre will happen because that is my life. But what can you do?? C'est la vie!!

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