Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Party Never Ends

I have over 4000 views!!!! It has been an absolutely amazing experience to share my thoughts, views, activities, and life with you all. The drama is pretty darn entertaining, but it's really scary to just put it all out there for the world to read. That makes me think that bloggers are pretty darn brave to bare their souls to the world. I have to say that I am so grateful for all the positive responses that I have received from "letting it all out." People have been so sweet to me about losing George that the messages down right make me cry reading them! Everyone keeps talking about my strength to have gone through so much the past few months...I may be strong, but I think it is only because of the people that I have surrounded myself with and the grace of God.

A lot of you have asked how my mother is doing. I think she is doing pretty well for having just lost her husband. Of course things are hard, but she is taking the appropriate steps to move on with her life. I installed Skype on George's laptop so she could talk and see me when she was feeling blue. She has called a few times and I always see her cute little face sitting in my room. I don't think she is quite ready to sleep in their room again. She hasn't in months. But I am glad she is catching up on sleep. She said that is all she does, even when she doesn't think she is tired. I told her to sleep as much as she wants. She barely slept 3 hours a night when she was taking care of George; he wouldn't sleep since he was afraid that he would leave us if he did. Say a prayer for my mommy, Mrs. Washington tonight. I think she could use them more than I could. =)

I have been super busy with catching up on tests and taking midterms. I'm pretty sure I didn't do well on any of them, but can you blame me?? Usually I'd be upset about it, but I am going to just go ahead and excuse myself on these. So, really I haven't had time to process everything I am going through on the inside right now. However, for some reason, my soccer hottie knows how to get it out of me. 

I don't have class on Fridays since I was going home every weekend. So when soccer hottie called me to go to dinner on Thursday night I kindly obliged. While I was waiting on her I cleaned up the mess that I called my house since I couldn't do it during the test week. When she finally won her battle with traffic and got to my house, we still hadn't decided where to eat. I suggested that we go to Addison and then I remembered that one of my favorite places is there...Cantina Laredo. I used to go there in Shreveport all the time. They make some of the best...and strongest margaritas.

I'm glad we went there because it was ladies night. We got $3.00 margaritas and they were strong! I coughed after I took my first sip. Soccer hottie didn't like hers on the rocks so after I drank the two that I had, I drank hers. She was getting tired because apparently that is what tequila does to her...?? I wasn't really ready to end the night at 7 something so went to the bar Sherlocks. She got her a red bull vodka to liven her up and I got me a beer and we started to mingle.

Now, I have never been to Sherlock's on a weekday so I really didn't know what to expect. While we were walking around a heard a lady on the intercom yell out BINGO numbers. Bingo?? They were playing bingo in the bar?? How can I get in on this??!! I went up to a random guy and asked him how I could play. He handed me one of his cards and soccer hottie and I excitedly sat down to play. When we got to our own table we found that they just set these cards on there for anyone to play. Perfect! I don't have to pay to play bingo? SCORE!!!

Were drinking and playing bingo and the lady yells out B9. Soccer hottie jumps out of her chair yelling "Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!" I have never seen someone so excited in my entire life. I mean...she didn't even know what we were playing for! Turns out you get $20 bucks so I feel like that is pretty damn good for something we never payed for to begin with. When she got back from winning her prize she wanted to have serious conversation for some reason. We talked about getting back in to the playing field. That's when I realized how long I haven't played the game because I was so busy with family. Then I realized I was missing a huge part of my family! My friend Knuckles explained it the best. You and your mom are like the Oreo cookies and George was the cream that kept y'all together. She was completely right.

My eyes welled up with tears and soccer hottie says, "don't cry." Too late...water was dripping out of my eyeballs in the middle of the bar. How am I supposed to meet a guy when I am crying in a bar? Good thing her and I talked about getting on OkCupid. 

Ok Ok Ok...let me explain that one real fast. Her and I have only been in relationships with people we have known from school...for the most part. So we have no freaking clue how to meet guys. One of my other friends is signed up on that site and goes on dates all the time. She isn't looking for anything serious so it is just fun for her to meet new people and date.  One of soccer hottie's friends also suggested this site to there...maybe when I grab some balls...I will sign up on this online dating site and just date. Not look for a relationship, but just date and have fun. 

So anyway, I find out one of my classmates who also just got out of a relationship was there. He is actually pretty funny so I think we are going to have to add him into our singles group. My soccer hottie has decided that she is going to show us how it's done and we should follow her lead. Which...if any of you knew kind of scary...and I mean that in the BEST possible way!

We ended the night with me driving home and soccer hottie staying the night. She had to be at work in the morning and thankfully we wear the same size clothes. I can already tell that we are gonna have some fun adventures in the future like we did back in college. We are going out tonight with a couple of our college friends. It won't be the official Independence Party...but I sure am gonna party like it is! You know what they say, "the road goes on forever, but the party never ends."
At least she didn't have to do the walk of shame!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your mama, boo boo. I am glad you guys are moving forward. Dating is hard, and like you and soccer hottie, i am feeling the pressures of a nonexistent dating life because i really don;t have any friends within 50 miles of me... good luck!
