Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Live the Life You've Dreamed

Ahhhhh over 5000 views on my blog and now I am getting shout outs on Google+...HOLLA!! I Can't even believe that people like this shit. everyone I run into says that they hate to read, but so many people come on here just to read my silly little ramblings. It would just be easier if MTV called me and said, "Diamond, we are tired of fucking reading your shit. No one does that any more. You need a TV show. Laguna beach style minus all the blonde chicks." I mean I did live in Shreveport for 5 years and they seem to be taking over the reality TV realm right now. At least I would actually make the town look good...Ok, I take that back. I would make it seem like there were some slightly educated people there. A girl can dream right??

So I have deprived you of my maundering for an entire week. I suck. I know. It's really funny because I have had all the free time in the world this week. I guess I only blog when I am trying to avoid studying, laundry, cleaning, or anything that involves getting my ass up off of the couch. So here I am forcing myself to do laundry so I can devote 30 minutes of my time to writing this post.

Are you ready for some major disappointment? I won't be going speed dating tomorrow. I know. It brought a tear to my eye. I procrastinated too long in signing up. There was actually a wait list for this shit! I couldn't believe it. People seriously do the craziest things to find love. I seriously have yet to come across a married couple that said they met each other speed dating, but I guess there are people that are way more optimistic than I am. Soccer hottie will still be going tomorrow and may have a video to present if I act right and bring my camera when I accompany her for drinks. I'll link you guys to her blog so you can hear/see everything that happened!! I won't leave you guys empty handed though. Remember 40 year old virgin?? Well for those of you who are like me and lack in long term movie memory, here is the clip:
It was suggested that soccer hottie and I do that tomorrow. So I guess that is my "what I would have done" video

So exactly what have I been doing you ask? That is easy to answer. Absolutely nothing. Relaxing and catching up with friends. Well I am catching up with them...they are all caught up with my life since I publicly display it in writing every week. Every one is always so disgusted with old what's his name? and can't believe I didn't know what a dog he was. Here is the problem...I knew. I am not even gonna lie here. I need to send out an apology to someone that I really care about who obviously cares about me. He tried to warn me, but all I did was yell about making my own mistakes and that everything eventually would come to the light and I did not need him being the light. UGH.

And by doing nothing, I mean laying by the pool
I got a phone call one evening from a 254 number and knew it could only be two people. A guy or a girl. I knew there was no way that it could be the girl because it had already been established that she was no longer speaking to me when she deleted me twice on Facebook for being with this dick wad. I answer and the man on the other line asks if I was around old boy. I told him yes (we lived in a 714 sq ft apartment. There wasn't too many places to go to NOT be around each other....unless you find yourself in a tramps arms) So he told me to call him back when I wasn't. Ummmm because that isn't weird?? I told the asshole what my friend our friend (we all went to school together) said and he told me to call him back because he was interested in what he was so secretive that he didn't need to be there.

I did. And dude said that my stupid ass boyfriend was cheating on me...or tried to cheat on me. Confused? I was too. Like what does that really mean?? He told me that one of his friends out in 254 called him and let him know that the dog I was living with (and I don't mean Kiwi) called her when I was on vacation with Elle Woods in Florida. They apparently sent pictures to one another and he was trying to get her to come up to Dallas by paying her way and having her stay at our apartment! I was so appalled by this. Like refused to believe it. He said, "Diamond, how else did I know you were in Florida?!" Well that wasn't proof enough. We were Facebook friends. Everyone knew Elle Woods and I were in Florida! So he calls her on three way.
At Epcott during a Florida Hurricane. Be jealous.
I hear her say how she feels bad for me because I had no clue what was going on. That she didn't tell me because she didn't feel like it was her place since we weren't really friends. We were just Facebook friends. And I was the one that added her on Facebook. WOW. I was pretty damn angry. And instead of taking leaving all my anger for the douche bag I lived with, I let my friend have it! I was having a good day that day until he called. Everything was going right, and now I had a seed planted in my head about my cheating ass man. I told him to leave me alone, not to call me with that shit anymore, and if it were true, I would eventually find out.

This is when I think back and say, "why am I not the snooping kind of girlfriend?" I always thought snooping around was bad because you ALWAYS find something. I should have done it though. It would have saved me a lot of time. Anyways, last words my friend told me was that I was gonna call him one day and apologize because he was right. you go. You know who you are. You were right! I am sorry.

Oh yea, what did he tell me to convince me he didn't do anything. He said something about me knowing that he had no money to send a girl to Dallas. <-- HAHAHAHAHA So funny how my story ended up.

I am sad because George just wanted me to be taken care of before he moved on to the next life. The last person he ever knew me to be with was someone he ended up hating for what he did to me. It has been a month since he left this place. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him, the love he gave me, and the time God allowed us to share. He did tell me a couple of weeks before he passed though, that I would find someone great, because I am great, and God will bless me! That is why I am not worried about boys and running off being a whore and hooking up with everyone because I am single now. I know my time will come when someone as equally awesome as I am will sweep me off my feet.  So until then I will continue to party my butt off and enjoy my life!!! Oh and one final thing before I deuce out. I joined Just for shits and giggles. Watch out for my online dating do's and don'ts post coming soon!!!

"Live the life you've dreamed" - Henry David Thoreau

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