Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Never Mess with an Angry Southern Belle

I have to get this off of my chest...WHY DO PEOPLE FUCK WITH ME?

Who the fuck has so much time that they sit in their home and make up complete lies? Like seriously did you really sit there and say, "hmmm I heard this...so I am going to say that Diamond told X and X told me and now she is going around telling Y and Z" ??

So my friend is going through a cray cray dramatic break up...worse than mine. Seriously. I have done nothing but be there for her the moment SHE called me and asked for my support. Now, when you are in a class of 55 and you are dating someone in the class...people are going to know when shit goes down. We are like a small town where everyone dies famous. Everyone "knows" everything about everyone. 

I knew when we got to school on Monday that things were going to spiral. Down hill. People were going to realize that the inseparable two were now separate and start questioning why. I don't know how the...what shall we call her?? The Deceiver found out "what happened", somehow, and her ass called up my friend and told my friend that I was the reason why she found out. 

Excuse me? Do I fucking talk to you? Are we fucking friends? Do I even talk to your friends????
The Deceiver has already been known to stir up drama and most importantly lie. (And she wonders why people don't like her. No, really, she contemplates this.) So this really isn't that surprising. The only shocking part is that she would use my name. Now when my friend called me and told me this, I was a little upset, but I had to realize that girl we were dealing with. I told my lovely friend that I did not say anything to anyone seeing as I only talk to 3 people in my class all of which are NOT the Deceiver's friend. Done. 

Nope. So the day spirals out of control and I make sure that my friend is o.k. by hanging out with her at her house and going to dinner. While at dinner our phones will NOT stop ringing. We kept ignoring the phone calls because FUCK we want to eat! So finally after the 5th phone call...no lie. I say, "you know what I am gonna just answer the phone. Be quiet and pretend you aren't here" So I call my last missed call back to hear something of the nature that I was going around saying A,B & C about the situation they are involved in. "Ummmmm No. Who told you that the Deceiver?" He says no, and I clear up the air with him and thanked him for coming straight to me about it. I respect that. A lot. 

Then I call one of my other phone calls back who says their name was brought into this also. I assure her that things would be cleared up and then I tell her what Deceiver was going around saying. What do you know...that is what her first phone call was about! The Deceiver told her that I was telling everyone "what happened", but it was cool because my friend was allowing me to. What? Shut the front door. Are you kidding me?

Now, the reason why I hadn't confronted her ass about this shit the first time is because my friend told me not to. She said that she had enough drama going on for me to say anything to that trifling girl. Bad idea. Had I just confronted her the first time, I might have been nice. For two people to come at me with this shit just fucking pisses me off. 

Some things you should know about me:

  • I am not about the bullshit <-- I don't have the time
  • I am not a liar <-- I can't keep a straight face to save my life, so I just avoid lying in general
  • I have a horrible memory <-- that is why I am so good at keeping secrets
  • I have no concern for any one else's problems <-- I am empathetic, but it doesn't concern me enough to tell anyone else about it
  • I have a small circle of friends <-- I learned at an early age that you can't trust anyone
  • I am confrontational <-- I just like to get shit out of the way
  • I am real <-- there is no point in being fake, people always find out anyway
Today after our first class, I just can't hold that shit in anymore. I can't even look at the back of her head in front of me with out rage filling in my body. So I go up to her...yes, in front of the people left in our room (that way she can't lie about our confrontation) and confront the Deceiver. Basically, she just proves that she is a liar because she had nothing more to say than, "really?" and "you're a fucking bitch." <-- ugh, tell me something I don't already know about myself. 

I feel accomplished. This is shit that people wanted to say to her since we got here almost 2 years ago. People just need to learn to shut their fucking mouths and keep my name out of it. Unless you hear something directly from me, you can assume it is a lie. Bitches be trippin' and they always will. You just have to know how to deal with them. I choose to deal with mine "gracefully" Ha ha ha! Unless you want to feel butt hurt, remember never to mess with an angry Southern Belle. 

1 comment:

  1. Diamond you are my literary hero. No, seriously. I enjoy reading your blog very much. There is nothing that gives me the happy face more than seeing a new entry when I have piranha of a daughter attached to my boob in the middle of the night( they are very voracious eaters & and I wish there was an adjustment that could be made to numb my chest). You should consider writing a dirty, bitchey memoir when you are done with school.
