Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Everything is Always OK

Everyone keeps asking me if I am doing ok. I guess I am. Really and truly I'm just so busy with catching up on tests that I don't have time to think about if I am ok or not. I go to school, take tests, come home, and study. It doesn't feel real. I mean, this is what I would normally do...if he was still with us. I would be a maniac chiropractic student. Don't get me wrong, I don't forget....well I guess I do. I want to call him sometimes because I get so excited about what I learn in school. It isn't the same telling my mom something. I have to explain EVERY little detail so she understands. And even then, sometimes she doesn't. He used to just get me.

I miss him.

Enough with the melodramatics. I went out this weekend!!! I had a crap load of studying to do to prepare for my six tests this week and I did NOT give a damn. I deserved to go out. I have been spending every weekend in Leesville giving my heart to my family and damn it, I was exhausted. I needed some fun. Especially after the family drama. It was my little Italian beauty's birthday and she wanted to celebrate in Addison at the Londoner. 

Anyone who knows Dallas, knows that Addison is home of the yuppies. But, I didn't need to stay in the house and dwell on the situation. I needed to get my ass dressed, put on some make-up and drink a lot of beers. And yes ma'am/ sir, that is what I did. I drank, caught up on the Parker gossip, got hit on by straight male hair dressers, got to say, "it's ok, I'm a doctor.", and took a lot of photos thanks to my favorite modern hippie.

Happy Birthday Danielle!! 
It was great!! Oh, and the fact that I got to say, "it's ok, I'm a doctor" made it that much better. Some chick wearing FLAT boots was with her boyfriend drinking. She obviously had 1 too many drinks because I saw her fall on her ass. She got up and was more embarrassed than anything, but she must have fell again because the next time we saw her she was on the floor... again. This time she wasn't moving and her body was super tensed up in a weird position. Normally, you wouldn't think a room full of Chiropractic students would be useful, but we actually learn the same thing that the Medical students learn. 

The boyfriend is frantically trying to lay her on her back and shove his fingers down her throat while we are all yelling, "Put her on her side!!" "We're doctors!" My feisty Italian even goes over to help but he just shoved her out of the way angrily as if he had the situation in control. Well, I see this and I am fed up, and go around the dude so he can't push me and roll ol' girl on her side. I say, "dude, were doctors." His response: "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??!!!" Steve who has her head at this point, and I are smiling, because who doesn't understand the definition of doctor? That's when I got to say my infamous line and he chilled for a second.

Steve and I are looking at her head and notice a knot quickly growing in front of our eyes. OOOOhhhhh!!! The girl fell and hit her head on the table and is knocked out. She was going to be fine!! She came two and I asked her what her name was and she responded correctly. We sat her up and she says, "I think I broke my ankle...I'm not that drunk." Poor girl. She was drunk and in denial. I quickly tell explain what happened to her and then the police man showed up to escort her out to an ambulance. 

I can never just have a normal night, but telling a white lie about being a doctor was super fun. I mean, it is inevitable and our professors DO address us as Dr. So and So. I continued to drink some more and ended up thinking I could drive. Going out with drunk Diamond AKA Sparkle 101: Sparkle always thinks she can drive. Thank God I didn't because when I got in the car I kept seeing 3D beams from all the l surrounding lights in my lap. I also couldn't keep my balance after sitting for a while, and BOY did I have to pee!! 

It was a great weekend not to mention that I went to eat at Babe's and see Wanderlust with my favorite people in the world (Go watch the movie...there is a scene in there well worth the $8.00) the day before. Nothing can shake me, not some silly failed tests, or rumors that some skank is still reading my blogs (and they say I should get  a life?) Being told a million times how great you look ALWAYS brightens your weekend. 

So yes. I'm going to be out ok because at the end of every day...everything is always ok. 

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