Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Put Your Trust in God

Alright. No more Mrs. Nice Girl. I try so hard to be nice
So hard

But you know what I have learned? You can't be nice to people. They take advantage of it. The Golden Rule is bullshit. Why follow the Golden Rule when no one ever does unto you what you do unto them?
I don't have time for Karma anymore
I tried not to talk shit about these people in the last blog.
I thought I did a really good job of just telling the story for what it was.

Fuck that.

Fuck the family who came out of no where. Who decided to show their faces AFTER their father passed. Where were you when he was sick and you knew about it? Were you driving five hours home every fucking weekend? Did you sleep next to him holding his hand because you wanted to spend every second with him? Where were your tears when he was going through chemo and it made him too sick to hang out with you or talk on the phone with you?


Where Damn it??!!!!

Oh, that's right. You were sitting on you fucking ass counting down the days till his death so you can get what you are owed. Is that right? You good for nothing pieces of sorry ass shits!

Forgive me. I needed to get all that out. I'm still a little upset by what George's family and "friend" is doing to my mother and me.

So last night my friend Jason and I (sorry, I forgot what you wanted your blog name to be) went and met up with these stupid fucks at the nursing home. They wanted all my grandmothers things out of our storage so they could take it back to Colorado with them. Good riddance. I am so tired of my grandmother skewing stories around anyway. So he used his strong arms (<-- really he shows them to me from time to time) to get these damn boxes in the back of the truck and ride with me to transport them. We get there and lo and behold...George's "friend" is there.

Now, let me tell you about this ass. We haven't seen him in God knows how long and then right when George gets really sick he starts showing up to our house again like nothing has changed. We felt like, well maybe he feels bad for being such a horrible friend and now he is trying to make up for it. UGH...There goes my personality flaw: seeing good in people no matter how atrocious they are. That is how I ended up dating and living with a conniving cocksucker.

Anyways, this dude randomly gave an impromptu eulogy at the funeral. Like, we didn't have him scheduled. Like, this dude just walked to the front with his typed out speech and started talking. He spoke sweet things of Goerge, but then he kept addressing his love for my grandmother and his new found friends, the kids and their families. ???????? Uhhh Ok. Did you meet them before I met them 10 minutes before the funeral started or something?

Well that isn't what I am pissed about. I could care less that they take Grandma's triflin' ass back to Colorado. What I am pissed about is that they went to our house that we are renting out. The house was Grandma's. Her name is on the deed and so is George's. In the will however, George stated that my mother was to take all of his properties. So that makes the house half ours and half my grandmother's.
Now, the original plan was to sell this property take half the money and pay off the debt that George left behind and give the other half to Grandma. Oh how plans change when someone dies. Should have got that bitch to put it in writing that she agreed. Now that she has talked to her manipulating family, she wants to keep the house rented out...and take ALL of the money. Ummmmm No. It is half ours. But sadly that isn't the best part. Remember when I said that the whole family went to our renter and told them to stop paying my mom and to start paying them???

These hoes went and set up an account at a bank and told the renters to meet them there tomorrow at 10am so the rent can be transferred directly into their account and that they needed to sign a new lease with them. Furthermore, if my mother or I set foot on the property, to call the police. Smart business moves 101: Don't put your renter in the middle of a family matter. Our renters are smart and called us and we settled things for them. I told them to go ahead and sign the shit. I mean, if they don't show up, they are just going to go on the property and harass them some more. And you know who is helping set ALL this up for them?? The "friend."

We are just going to the let the lawyer deal with this and have a judge figure out what to do with the house. I almost feel bad for my grandmother. ALMOST. She fails to realize that they are only using her to get money. You really think they are concerned about grandma getting the money she deserves? Nope. They know good and well she can't have that much money in her account and be living at the nursing home. It's against the law. That is why they are going to move her in with them in Colorado. But I said almost. Grandma made my mom and me out to be the bad guys. She led them to believe we are just taking all the money from the rent because we are greedy. It isn't that, it is just illegal for her to have it. She also failed to mention that George paid off that house for her AND renovated it with his own money. <---she says, "I didn't ask you to do that."

If she wants to believe the same people that blatantly lied to my face and told me that they brought grandma to the funeral home because we didn't set it up for her to come up there. (grandma got there before me and my mom which would be at least an hour before they even arrived) Fine. Get screwed over. I officially wash my hands of this. They are nuts. Oh and by they and them and all those similar pronouns. I really mean one person. I call her the Matron of the family. When she speaks, no one else speaks. It is really eerie. She runs the show and I believe that this is all her own vindictive plan. I want to believe that my stepbrother has no part in this (he was the only one I met previous to the fiasco), but then again he led the family to believe that I didn't call him to tell him that their dad died.

What goes around comes around - Alicia said it. Not me.

I think the best advice that I have received so far is from a person that I no longer talk to. She coincidently betrayed me. She told me, "People suck, put your trust in God." And how I will do JUST that.


  1. Praying for you Dime Dime. Their dark deeds will come to the light. I will continue to pray for u and ur mom. How dare they be this way at this time!

  2. WOW!!! WOW!!!! Really sad that you dont get your fact straight especially since you decided you would post all this...let see your mother begins be yelling at me about why I brought my family to my fathers funeral. my father beg for his children to forgive me on his death bed, he beat my mother when we were small and she left him...we all tried for years to enter his life, but he was a very reserved man. He asked me back into his life only for him to die on me a year later...for circumstances and situations you know nothing about he was no apart of my life for the previous 19 yrs..I forgave him and asked for is in return. where were you?..we are a lifetime away from you and your mother and the time you shared with my father..we are states away jst trying to make it in life with what we have..we never asked for anything...and you say hes in debt..well how?...why? he has several rental properties and a business with contract through the government, maybe someone has spent to much time pointing fingers and not fully understanding that the debt was created by the three of you as a family how that happened Im not sure that is your story to tell. It sadness me to the depth of my soul that people right away assume the worst in people. we wanted to reach out take you guys in as out family get to know you...when your mother had it in her mind that out intentions where out of greed she destroyed all chances of that...she had the nerve to complain about where we were the last 15months created a scene while my father still lay in his open casket...when she should of embraced us in our pain...It was never about any money...again Im not sure you fully understand what took place...my grandmother only had my father your mother harrassed her a week prior to my father death about selling the house to help pay for the funeral and if she would not sell it she needed to pay her back for renovations for the new tenants..that house was never my fathers it was always only her, he signed onto the deed after she broke her hip..knowing he was sick himself he placed her in a home to be cared for and rented her home so she can pay it off?..maybe you were under the assumption that it was because your mother told the renters once my dad fell ill to write the check to her personally and it wasnt being applied to the house..she just found out that she owes since November when the house was rented..your mother stole my grandmother rent and we are not keeping nothing the account was reverted back to the Mortgage company so she could no longer steal it. we were told that everything was left to the spouse in the will, what you dont get is that my trifflin grandmothers house was placed in her sons name jointly for protection purposes a POA was signed so he could care for the home and handle the affairs while she was sick but that is her home..shes not selling it she plans on paying if off with the little bit of retirement money she has so she can keep something in the family...and again the issues was never that you didn't call me..I told them all that and no one disputed it..you told me you would let me know details...he died on the 14th the funeral was on the 17th who buries someone that soon without giving family time to make it there...my mother bless he heart decided she would drive us after finding out tickets were $700..(last minute)..and I found out about the funeral service from a facebook post! that went something like this Diamond Gina Brown
    The viewing will be Friday at 6pm and the funeral services will follow at 7pm at Labby memorial in Leesville. Thanks for all the sweet messages, support, and prayers. My mother and I appreciate them.

    February 15 at 5:39pm near Rosepine, LA ·
    5 people like this.
    Dvine Grafx why you guys scheduled it so soon..none of are goin to be able to make it?...I was hopin I could say my goodbye! =(
    February 15 at 6:37pm · Unlike · 1

    Diamond Gina Brown I'll call u later tonight.
    February 15 at 6:40pm · Unlike · 1

    1. with that being said I never heard from anyone about anything…My Father was a military veteran who had a Korean church service while his mother sat crying unconsouled by anyone but the family "that should up out of nowhere"…we showed up to say our goodbye that was our honest to God intuition we had to get dressed at a truck stop we made it in town at 10 min after 6 the day of the funeral..my mother drove for over 18 hrs straight through to show support to her children and to provide financial support…it cost us all to get there is was never about a gain, but we did gain some very helpful insight about the people my grandmother would have been forced to deal with as she grieves the lost of her son the one who always looked after her and once we did God placed his loving plan on action..she coming home to stay with us here in Colorado so she can be around people who care about her, people who love her…her money her SSI is here to keep to spend how she please..my mother is making arrangements now equipping her home with handicap accessories so she can stay with her..it was never about the money and the fact that you seem to think so again saddens me because you missed out on a great opportunity to have some awesome people in your life, meanwhile my grandmother will receive here with us all 25 of us the quality of life she deserve as she lives out her last days..God bless you Diamond and your mother and everything you do…I am a Christian and with that being said I will pray for you and I wish you all the best

    2. My hands are clean of this. I did my part. It isn't my fault that people want to act triflin'. I'm over it. I made it this far without you guys in my life. I'm sure I will be fine for the next however many years I live. I didn't have family drama until the day I met all of you guys. But yea...God bless

  3. did someone say!...Karma

  4. oh and after the "Funeral" service we are then told he will be "Cremated" and tha he will have "the Veterans Honor Service" that he rightly deserves for serving his county sometime next week..."it will be a quick informal service with the 21 gun salute" on an entirely different day then his funeral/burial/Cremation??? huh?..my brother just wants the flag to honor his father the way no one else cared to by simply keeping it in the family and passin it down the generations..as the Washington flag....that was our request when we meet and were greeted with half eaten "King Cake" and story of havin a house full of drunken Koreans till 4am...but as we all agreed everyone has their traditions.maybe this is how they celebrate so be...my father is still dead and we all hurt jst a little more these days....now Im done with my rant...and thank you!

  5. Diamond I love you! No matter what our past maybe! Im sorry you have had to go through this...I know what George meant to you and your mother. He was a great man! The passing of a loved one will never be easy. I am here for you as you were there for me. Hopefully we will see each again one day. I wish I could have been around for you. I love you and god bless. Leave it all in Gods hands! Hes got this!!

  6. ...and the friend that you speak of his name was ralph he was my fahter bowling buddy...this man was a Godsend because without himm we would have been totally lost in the swamps of LA..He also paid over $300 for all of us to stay 2night at a Hotel.he also has my grandmother on his cell plan because once my dad feel ill and couldn't not talk for much anyway your mother dropped her from the service plan...she also called the police on an occasion after not being able to get through for days which turn into weeks..I experienced the same thing as I made attempt to "be there" in the only way any of us could...your mother also told my uncle he was no longer welcomed in her home...all this without my fathers knowledge as he lay dying!...see again we were praying that we could possibly stay with you and your mother maybe see my fathers home share stories of how you all share times together...I was thinking about asking your mother for one of his six Shit-tzu I wanted to keep it to remember him by those little dog are ugly as sin but I wanted the one that hurt his eye when I came to visit..Max!!!...he loved those damn dogs...and I knw they miss him too...Diamond Gins-Brown you make sure you honor my father as a Dr. since he accumulated so much debt helping you through school..if not where did it all go..he dead..and may he rest in peace!..again God bless you!

    1. Grandma called the police before her phone was turned off because no one at the house was answering the phone. You know first hand how that was because you and I discussed it when I got in town that weekend. I know about the Sonny situation and so did George because we actually had a laugh about it. Your sister said that you guys may have to stay at our house when I talked to her on the phone. She also said that she would call me and let me know when yall were coming and stuff but never did and I understood because things were insane and the phone is the last thing on your mind. And don't worry about the debt of my education. I had scholarships and paid my own way through college...that is why I ended up going from a private college to a public one my last year. And Grad school is all in my name in student loans.

  7. Doesn't sound very Jesus-like to me. Then you don't put your name. And respond on Diamond's personal blog. Here's how you act as an adult if you want to say the things you did.
    1. Put your name. Don't hide.
    2. Realize that your "helpful insight" has been formed from 1 week of the most difficult time in her life. You have absolutely no insight on what kind of people that family is, and if you think you do, you're being judgmental before you get to know them. Sounds very Christian.
    3. Don't close with "God bless you!" when the last 20 sentences are bashing her family. That's known as blasphemy. And ignorant.

  8. I put Anonymous becasue that the only way it will let me post on here but God know my name anyway...and Im not ashame my name is Christopher George Washington I am the second son to my fahter George Washington...and your right it doesnt sound Christian at first I thought you were referenceing the fact that the only name listed on the funeral program that was written in Korean were diamond and her mother as living relative eliminating even his own mother..indeed judgement had been past and rightly so when there is no other conclusion but hatred...blasphemy and ignorance are we reading the same post?..I was speaking of what we wanted to do and the "FACT" the "TRUTH" (nothings candy coated) of what happen....wow see what you started diamond..I ended with God bless you because I sincerely mean that from the bottom of my heart I love Diiamond and her mother I do not like the type of people they are or seem to have become...reread the last 20 sentences re read it all if you want its a sad tale of miscommunication...oh thanks again Diamond for calling me with the details this all could of been avoided and we both understand that regardless of all the outside opnion!

    1. Had they not had a KOREAN program there would have been no program at all. That was only made for the Korean members there. The funeral home didn't print the program that my mother asked to be printed that had his hobbies and yall's names on it. When they found out this didn't happen, everyone frantically made copies of the Korean programs so that there would be something. Blame Labby Memorial Funeral home. We have already informed them of that being the first of many faults. I don't know how many times I have had to explain that! And as far as phone calls...the phone works both ways for all parties that were THAT concerned.

  9. Diamond,
    First, I must say that I am truly appalled by your actions and comments. How dare you say anything ugly or dispariging about Ms. Thelma. How can you refer to her as your Grandmother and say such hurtful things about her at the same time? You want to talk about George's children not being there for their father. Well,I say you have to know a familiy's history before you can pass any judgement upon them.
    You make it seem as if you and your mom were the ones that spent time taking care of Ms. Thelma however, I beg to differ. While your mom was busy isolating George from her and the rest of the world or being upset with her because she gave his ex-wife his phone number.(pretty childish don't you think) I was the one who fed her everyday. I was the one who took her to her Dr. Appointments. I was the one who spent hours at her house daily just talking to her and making sure she was okay. I was the one who spent the night with her when Precious died and she couldn't sleep. I was the one who sat with her during chemo, bathed her, and made sure her dressing were changed after her masectomy. I was the one who emptied her potty when she was too weak to go to the bathroom. I was the one who made sure she took her medicines everyday and sat with her every time she was hospitalized.I was the one who did her banking, shopping, and made sure her bills were paid on time.(Yes, I know how much money was in her account before she was put into that dreadful home.) I was the one who cancelled all of her credit cards when Johnny stole them and it was me who came to her aid when he broke into her house in the middle of the night.SO I ASK YOU DIAMOND, WHERE WERE YOU AND YOUR MOM WHEN YOUR GRANDMOTHER NEEDED YOU? Don't give me the I was at school excuse because I was working and going to school full time. Yet, I always had time for Ms. Thelma. No matter what time she called and said she needed me I was there. The only reason I am not doing these things today is because of my husbands PCS. Nevertheless, eventhough I am almost three hundred miles away from her, I still talk to her almost everyday and when I am home I still make sure she has everything that she needs right down to money for casino night.
    I truly believe that you need to take a closer look at yourself before you cast judgement on others. Also, ask yourself what your motives are in what you called a family drama. By the way, stop blaming others for the mess you and your mother have created and remember what goes around comes around.

    1. Weird. I NEVER said that my mother or I took care of her. George Always did. And I used to go visit her every time I came home for break and even cooked her dinner and brought it to the nursing home JUST BECAUSE. No one asked me to do those things, I mean, she was George's mom and he loved the mess out of her so I did too. So if you re-read it will never say that we took care of her. Why I am mad is because there was an agreement before the passing that she completely turned around on. And this isn't about Ms. Thelma. I always told people that you were really sweet to her even at the funeral when I saw your daughter and my friends asked how she knew George. And my mom and I had no decision in putting her into the home...that was George. He was the only one who had any "right" for lack of better words, to her. He was the one that took care of that money situation and HE was the one renting out the house and taking the money and doing whatever he was doing with it. I am glad that you could be there for her. I think that is part of what makes you an amazing woman. But I am not blaming anyone for anything and even if there was "mess" created...I had nothing to do with it for I am the child in the situation. I didn't put her in the home, I didn't have any part of the outcome of her living situation. I was sweet until I found out all the backstabbing. When the family asked for her things, I gladly packed up the truck with the help of my friend and took all of her things to her. So, I do believe judgement was cast on my mother and her intentions when she was just doing what George told her to do. She wasn't trying to "steal" money or nothing of the such. My mom never isolated George...he had his mind all the way up until the end. He made his own decisions. People knew where we lived and they came over. Once again no one is getting blame put on anyone. I just tell stories from my point of view because this is MY blog. I leave out people's names, allow everyone to view it, and comment. You have a right to your opinion and I have mine also. =) No hard feelings towards you Ms. Linda, I know you are just sticking up for the people you love regardless of how I feel about them. That being said, I will ALWAYS stick up for my mother.
