Monday, February 20, 2012

When Blood isn't Thicker than Money

Interesting title for a blog this week eh? Well, I promised my friend Jon that I would blog about the ridiculous conversation we had while he was NOT completing the "to-do"list his wife made him. You see my friend is the opposite of everything that I decided was my type in my Leftovers blog. Not that I have a type anyway. It's kind of funny because he is an amazing person, father, and husband. I should probably go for guys more like him for a change, but I'm stubborn. 

I'd like to say that I am a reality TV whore and that I am totally into celebrity gossip. But those things aren't true. I don't have cable remember? And as much as I would love a subscription to People Magazine or something just to follow the pathetic lives of celebrities, I'm on a budget. I clip coupons for crying out loud. So I rely on my Yahoo! home page and the radio during my six minute drive to and from school. What intrigues me the most are celebrities and their marriages. Forgive me because I am going to get a little political here. We won't let gay people get married because it ruins the sanctity of marriage but we let these stupid rich mother fuckers get married and divorced in 70 something days and turn a blind eye to this "sanctity"? Ok?

I used to have this skewed dream of finding my soulmate, get married, have a couple of munchkins, and live happily ever after. Yea right! Obviously what I need to do is find me a rich idiot, get married, have a couple of babies, get boobs, hire a couple of nannies, get divorced and live off my child and spousal support. There are plenty of examples of this in our society. Check out half the bitches on Real Housewives; or my favorite, Kobe and Vanessa! Years ago I thought Vanessa was a dumb bitch. But I see what she was doing. She was solidifying her money. And more power to her. She put up with his ugly ass unzipping his pants to every whore in America. Why not? It's not like you are taking care of his spawn. You just catch a few drinks with the other basketball wives, shop, and look damn good. 

Cute kids though!
My favorite is Camille
Jon seems to think that there is a problem with my dream. He still has some old-school morals aparently. Believes that there is actually some sanctity in marriage. I'm confident that there may be in his, but I'm gonna stop going on this stupid rabbit chase of what is right, and go after what is real. Money. I'd love to be someone's trophy wife. Where my only job to my husband is to maintain my beauty. Damn it , I wish I wasn't some hard working woman with goals and an inablility to just sit in the house all day. Le sigh. 

Speaking of money, you should see what that does to people when someone dies! As you all know, we had the funeral for my stepdad on Friday. I never met but one of his kids in the how ever many years my parents have been married. I just knew he had no relationship with them and never asked why. It wasn't any of my business. Well apparently to them it should have been. All four kids obviously hate me because I never asked about them. Was this really my job as the child? They didn't tell us they were coming to the funeral and were more pissed that we didn't call them and ask them to be part of the funeral and have some say in the services. (FYI: I called the one I met when George died. He has my number. If they were so concerned, the phone works both ways.) Well my mom and I didn't have your number. Hello! We have never met you or knew anything about you! How were we supposed to get your number? Have a seance with the dead?

That isn't the best part though. After having a huge screaming argument with my mother in front of my dad's open casket, I had a meeting with them. They say they request nothing but the flag that will be presented to my mother at his military service. I know my mother is going to say HELL NO. But I said I would give their request. The meeting was a "bash on Diamond's mother and everyone is against you and you were in the wrong kind" of meetings. It was absolutely ridiculous. And to think, I brought them King cake as a peace offering! At the end of it all...they say they want to keep contact with me and build a relationship. We will see.
All we want is the flag my ass.
The next day, they go to my grandmother's house and tell the renter that we have there to stop paying us and start paying them. They also inquired to someone about George's truck. (which I already told them was unavailable because it isn't paid off) They obviously have no clue. George left us with nothing but debt. That truck isn't paid off. And that house is half ours. Not just grandma's. And she is in the nursing home anyway. She isn't allowed to have more than a certain amount of money in her bank account. Maybe they realized this and that is the reason they want to take grandma back to Colorado to live with them. Good luck in taking care of her. As long as she is happy.

That was George's last request of me. To keep in contact with these people. I'm trying, but it is so hard when it feels like they just want to attack my little family. No hard feelings towards them, but I can't trust them. Iv'e shown that I am trustworthy and now I am waiting on them. I feel like they only came to this funeral to take what they think they are owed, other than the obvious reason. And that is fine. They can take half of his debt. Make it easier on my mom and me. I really hope that I have this all twisted, (you know I see the good in people) but for now, it seems to be over some $$. Greed. When blood isn't thicker than money. 

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