Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Better to Have Loved and Lost

Ok. So I am SUPPOSED to be studying Diagnostic Imaging III, but I just got pissed enough to get on here and type. I have been having a pretty good day. You know those, looking all cute in my Yellow Michael Kors rain jacket kind of days? Those I wanna blast Britney Spears' Femme Fatale CD kind of days? And I want to stuff my face in rasberry sorbet and drink lots of wine kind of days? Especially those Im way too cool to let shit get me down kind of days?? 
In reference to being cool...
Seriously though, my jacket is way too cute and I was complimented on it all day today. Who doesn't want to wear a bright yellow jacket on a gloomy Dallas day?? It just makes everyone happy! I couldn't even be sad about the stuff going on at home. Granted, everyone kept bringing it up to me today, but it was out of concern for my well-being so I just shrugged it off. I even got to get my professor all flustered when my friend Chris and I started joking about me being an escort and having a headache from banging my head too many times on the headboard. We had to pause class for a good three minutes total because of that comment. =)
You know you want to hit Pin It
Anywho, I've been thinking a lot about what to blog and you know a million zillion ideas were running through my A.D.D. genius mind. I swear I'm like a savant sometimes. <--google it. I am so smart but so stupid and I'll get to that in a second. 

I heard this song on my Pandora the other day and actually listened to it. Kelly says, "...doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone" I had to give one of those church A-mens to that. I'm a lot less lonely now that I don't have douche bag. Molly and I joke about me being the 3rd wheel in her relationship now...and we have to change the verbage. I have ALWAYS been the 3rd wheel because when I was in a relationship, he was never around for one reason or another. Then I remembered what the slut commented on the Yours Truly blog, "you sit at home miserable, lonely, sad" I really want to explain this song to her, but I'm almost sure she won't understand the context because she is an idiot. 

Alright, that is the end of my whore bash...for now. Back to the reason why I am pissed. Ok, So, Good day, studying, and doing laundry. I knew my laundry was dirty, but my sweet blessed baby Jesus. I am minding my own business folding my laundry in our onsite laundry facility at my apartment complex. My cute little neighbor, who usually has a 2 foot adorable shadow walks in. She's white, so you know she wanted to converse about something. She asks, "hey, are you and that guy still living together??" Ummmm No. "Was he your boyfriend?" Yes nosey Nelly, he was. "Oh, well I guess I should have told you some information then." Really lady? That is how you want to end the conversation??? I immediately stopped folding my laundry. 

I say, "Enlighten me."  She proceeds to tell me about this bastard having four hour conversations late at night with one of our hispanic neighbors all the time. Then she goes, "and he was ALWAYS on the phone." Uhhhh yea, that is because he had to go outside to talk to his trollop on the phone so I would't know who he was talking to or what the conversations were about. (In my defense, he always told me he was talking to his baby mamma) I just look at her. She says, "I thought you guys were brother and sister." In a one bedroom?? I talked to you the day I moved in. You KNEW we weren't brother and fucking sister! I said, "well I guess everyone knew what was going on BUT me." (and I should have...William tried to tell me, but that is another story and another blog) She apologized, but I could't even be mad at her. How weird would it have been if she came knocking on my door and told me about this?? 

Conclusions: there are sluts everywhere. From Virginia to your damn neighbor. Men need to learn to keep it in their pants. Damn it. I need to make sure I tell this to my precious nieces when they get older. I swear I will kick someone in the throat over them. They're gonna grow up to be really pretty girls and men are gonna think they are stupid like their mommy and Aunt Diamond were. 
Those dicks have another thing coming. They are gonna be prepared.

Our Harleigh Bug
Her sister Scarlett

I guess my neighbor was nice to tell me though. Better late than never right? And it gives you something more to read about. She told me I was better off. I wanted to say, "no shit", but I agreed. The only thing I could think of to say to her was, "well, at least I have less laundry to do!" And it is true. Check that one on the positives to breaking up with ADC. 

“It's better to have loved and lost than to have to do forty pounds of laundry a week.”

 Dr. Laurence J. Peter (American "hierarchiologist", Educator and Writer, 1919-1990)

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