Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hot Southern Mess

Today was my first day back to school in a week. And I'm so excited to make up four exams. Not! It is a super gorgeous 78 degrees (Fahrenheit for everyone that doesn't speak American) day here in Dallas today and I would much rather be outside then sitting in class. In fact, I'd much rather blog that pay attention to my professor (exactly what I am doing at this moment). My posts are always so controversial and someone always gets mad, but it is what it is. I post on my side bar over on the right that reader discretion is advised. Not everyone will agree with what I say, and if you don't like what I say, regardless if you feel like it is the truth or not, don't read it! Speaking of truth, I am not going to sit here and publicly lie. When I call someone a slut or any other name, I have good reason in believing that they fit the definition. My opinions are always based on facts.

While I was away in little Leesville drowning my sorrows and my cold in fried foods, sugar, Nyquil, Mucinex, and alcohol, my friends were having life changing experiences. My awesome soccer hottie friend ended her four year relationship with her adorable boyfriend. She was pretty damn sad about it, and asked me the normal break up questions: How long will it take to be over it? Are you over it? Truthfully, I told her I didn't know how long it would take. It's different for everyone depending how involved you were in that relationship. As for me being over it?? I'm definitely over his good for nothing ass, but I am no where near moved on from the situation...otherwise I'd have me a little hottie of my own. 

Everyone has their way of dealing with a breakup. I blog my life away; I bitterly put that asshole and his whore's business out there. People deserve to know the truth about those two. Elle Woods turns to God and all the meanwhile soccer hottie turns to her good old friend the bar! Elle Woods and I are pretty damn good friends and I like the way she is dealing with her situation. I know it doesn't seem like it, but I used to have a wonderful relationship with know, God?

When Elle Woods and I lived in Shreveport we had bible studies and KLOVE. My radio station was barely on anything else. I have Gateway Church here, but sometimes just going to church isn't enough. So I have decided that I will take one of the million chances God has given me to put my life back together. She told me about this fancy lent she was doing at her church, The Village Church (no we aren't catholic). It consists of fasting from different things for 7 weeks and supplemental passages to keep you motivated and bring you closer to Him. I am a little behind on week one, (I didn't get the book until Wednesday) but fasting food for a week was out of the question anyway. My stress levels are too high during tests and I refuse to pass out, so I gave up Starbucks and coke for a week. Surviving without THAT is a challenge. 
I know, I had to inquire about that sleep thing too.
Soccer hottie has decided that she is going to deal by living the single life that she has missed out on for four years. She plans on going to bars and flirting her cute little ass off. I am very inspired by this also. I've been at home in Leesville every weekend since the break-up. I haven't met a single guy since that douche bag. I have a hankering for this experience too. Now, I know I am not gonna meet my husband at a bar, but getting a couple of guys numbers and going on a few dates has never hurt any one. 

It will be interesting...going out to bars, working on my relationship with God, and blogging my experience to "deal" with the demise of my awful relationship. Both girls have the complete opposite personalities of one another, but one of the three ways HAS to be the right way right? Molly has even suggested that I go on the show the Bachelor as a contestant. And you know what?? I think it'd be fun. After watching a lot of Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo, we also thought it would be awesome if I were to submit my name to be one of the girls that a millionaire has to choose from. All I need to get is a professional photo done to turn into them. 

determined to be on a "reality" TV show
It is really easy to become one of these girls AND they do it in Texas now!
My pinteresting and cooking are great therapies, but it is time for something new. Speaking of Pinterest...I found (found does not equal discovered) this great way to get old stains off of your carpet. I had some pretty gross ones from the night my dog decided to throw up all over the house. I used the steam cleaner and it just. wouldn't. come. up! So I tried this amonia + water + iron & towels thing. The stain disappeared like magic, but let me warn you....Your house will smell like Amonia and whatever that stain originally smell like. Learn from my mistakes. Save this for a warm day when all of your windows can be open. Oh and also, if you burn candles to get rid of the smell, remember that fire makes glass hot or else you will pick up the candle burn your hand and spill wax all over your newly cleaned carpets. Sigh.
Click here for the original website!
Being single is awesome! I'm going to learn a lot about myself and now that I have my weekends back it is going to be extremely fun. I'm exploring all my options right now, and I hope things will turn out well, but you know me..I'm a hot southern mess

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