Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just Like You, Only Prettier

Well didn't we have some entertainment this weekend? Verbal warfare at its best. I am a little disappointed that a month into my blog, the climax has already arrived however. Now you will expect to read high drama EVERY week. Hopefully though, people will stop trying so hard to analyze my life and focus on theirs and just read my blog for what it is, fun.  Hate to disappoint you guys. The dramatics just further solidified that miserable people will continually try to make other people's lives miserable. People can't stand it when others are doing better than them, or better than what they think they should. 
Y'all, I do not sit at home and play pitty party. I go home and do things I love. I cook, play with the animals, watch MY shows, craft, and most importantly shop. My classmates can attest to my shopping. I keep coming to school with new outfits and shoes. I mean HELLO!!! I have a shit ton more money now that someone isn't constantly leaching off of me! And as far as my face value goes...trying to convince an ex teenage model & pageant contestant (I told you I was Southern) that she is ugly is hard to do. I will never claim to be the most beautiful person in the world, but I'm cute damn it! And let's not even start on brains. I have two bachelors degrees, am working on the third, and will attain a doctorate degree in 2013. You can call me an over achiever or you can call me a genius. Most people will just call me Dr. Diamond

Got my white coat to prove it!
So let's recap the things we have learned this weekend:
  • The definition of a slut via
  • That no matter what a slut says, they can't justify their slutty actions
  • Bitches be trippin
  • When playing verbal warfare, the person with the bigger vocabulary wins
  • Replying to someone's blog after they said that they have no qualms with you is stupid
  • My friends are verbally abusive
  • Someone is spamming my blog link
  • My professor thinks it's awesome to call someone out on a blog and agrees with the slut definition. Well, my classmates and I learned that.
So guys, this is my truce. My for the last time, I AM NOT MAD AT THE OTHER WOMAN!! It is hard to be mad at an imbecile. Hell, I'm not even bitter at the situation. Great quote: "Bitterness is a toxin you prepare for someone else but drink yourself." <-- Been watching a lot of Billy Graham. Sometimes things that happen in your life are unfortunate. You find out later though that they were the greatest blessings! I mean could you imagine my continued life with that dick? 

I wouldn't blame anyone from being miserable that was with him. I mean, I KNOW that I wasn't the only person he tried to do this to. There was one before me. Post 2009. I communicated with another chick. She just happened to have more common sense than me and didnt fall for the antics. I need to learn to be more guarded, which is hard to do when two of your best friends talk like hallmark cards when it comes to love. (I have no clue what happened to my font in that paragraph.)

I promise to continue with the sarcasm and involve you in the hilarious situations God puts me in. And I promise to catch you up on my latest Pinterest crafts and recipies!! I am so sad that I have neglected to share the awesomeness that I found on that site! Your'e gonna laugh, cry, be inspired, and sometimes be bored, but I'm glad to have your support! I think when it comes to this weekend's drama, Miranda Lambert said it best, "We might think a little differently, but we got a lot in common you WILL see...I'm just like you, only prettier."

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm one of the Hallmark friends she mentioned =/ welp *shrugs*

    But on the other hand... verbal warfare is loads of fun when your opponent is a bumbling bafoon!!!
