Friday, April 27, 2012

Have You Heard of Little Avery?

Have you heard of little Avery?

There is a sweet blog I follow that I would love for all of you guys to follow to! It is about a little 5 month old named Avery who has a fatal genetic condition called SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). <--google it! Orrrrr just read what Avery wrote:
"SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants & children under the age of 2, yet most people have never heard of it, most OB/GYN's do not offer tests for it, and it's not included when performing genetic pre-screening tests for other potential diseases & disorders.  There is currently no cure and it attacks the muscles which causes inefficiency of the major bodily organs - especially of the respiratory system - and eventually leads to death.  1 in 40 people are carriers of the SMA gene.  Meaning my mommy and daddy had a 1 in 1600 chance of both having it and even then there was only a 1 in 6400 chance I would get it."
The entire blog (17 posts and counting) is told from her point of view and is about her completing a bucket list! She has made the news and is working on an Ellen show appearance! I hope you guys will all join me in spreading the word about SMA seeing as it has such a high prevalence for something none of us have ever heard of! I can't even imagine what that family is going through, but I applaud them in their strength and not taking a single day with little Avery for granted! 

I promise to return to normal blogging, but until then, please read Avery's blog and have a few smiles and cries. 

Click here to go to Avery's first post!

Thanks guys (and gals...mostly gals)!!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do Your Baby's Hair!

I'm on break so it is absolutely appropriate for my get on here everyday of my life and type. I won't be doing that though. I am trying to get more out of this break. Find me...or whatever people find on beaches. I apologize for my slack in posting. The last two weeks of school were insane for me, but I PASSED all my classes, will officially be moving on to Tri 7, and am 60% Dr. Diamond now ;)

My life lately:
  •  I discovered Instagram. I have been snapping pictures left and right.
Flowers from my mom's gorgeous garden
  • I gave into the city life and planted an herb garden! If you are in Dallas and aren't busy, please go water them!
I have no idea why only 2/3rds of this picture appeared

  • I bought Diamond Candles. <--- Click the link!! Coolest thing ever! They are soy candles with surprise rings in them valued at different prices. It is like Cracker Jacks for candles! The PERFECT Mother's day gift.
The rings I got in my candles!

  • I got a tan in Long Beach, MS.
Sun, friends, beach, and bikini
Molly made the perfect beach model
  • I found out that I am allergic to the Kinesiotex brand kinesiotape because I am allergic to EVERYTHING!

  • I brought the traveling owl back! He traveled 2 of the largest bridges in the US including the largest one, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway!
Traversing on the U.S's 4th largest bridge

WARNING: Rant approaching!
  • Went to a lovely wedding with lovely people. 

  • Facebook-ed a little... A LOT!

 is my rant. Since I have been Facebook stalking at the level of Ch...a person we know...a professional, I have been annoyed with one thing in particular. And white people, don't get mad when I tell you this, but someone needs to say it. I am so unbelievably annoyed with white people (or other non black races for that matter) having half black babies and not doing that poor babies hair! 

Look, I get it. You ain't used to that "kinky" stuff on top of their head, but that don't mean ignore it! There are some rules to curly hair, and most of my curly headed friends, white or black know them (though 99.999% of my friends are white). This reminds me of a Grey's Anatomy episode I watched a few weeks ago. You know because Grey and McDreamy adopted a black baby (since that is obviously the cool thing for rich white people to do). 

It is not like your hair! Curly hair craves moisture and loses it quickly. So stop washing their hair every day like you do yours.  Put some moisturizer or leave-in-conditioner in that shit. Stop using cheap ass shampoo like Pantene Pro-V and Dove. Don't put gel in baby's hair! Do you not see what rubbing alcohol does to your skin? It dries it out...same concept. By all means, if you slept with a nigga don't you have some black friends? Ask them for help! Stop having your baby running around looking cray cray. It is only a matter of time before they get into elementary school...and kids are brutal. 

If my Korean mother could figure out what to do with my hair when I was a kid, there is no excuse for you English and Spanish (because everyone speaks spanish) speaking mofos. Y'all or someone you know want to know some good shampoos and styling products, call me, text me, e-mail me, something. I just can't go on ignoring this issue! Kudos to all the women out there who have used their resources! My friend who got married this weekend has an adorable niece with super curly hair and her curls looked fabulous all day long! So it is possible people. No one has had the balls to tell you until now, but please please please do your baby's hair!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Who is Stalking Who?

Instead of twiddling my thumbs on the couch waiting for my PT grade to post, I decided to put my fingers to good use and give my followers what they love. I have been insanely stressed out and in turn, this has made me extremely emotional. I even cried for no reason today. WTF?? I was sitting in our cafe' at school  when Molly started talking wedding, and I got so emotional about being back home for the funeral when she went to go try on dresses. That is a huge deal. And I missed it amongst other things. That was in February and I am JUST NOW getting sad about it. I. am. such. an. emotional. LOSER!

But seriously, ridiculously emotional. I was super excited this weekend because I had a date planned with a potentially good guy. Awesome right? Moving on! Dating! WHOO!!! Studies had to come first of course. So, after getting some study boot camp in with my friends, I went home to go do girl stuff. You know, hair, make-up, and pick out a decent outfit? I was just getting ready to paint my toes when there is a knock at the door. 
The classic "take a picture in the mirror and post on a social netwoking site" photo of what I was getting ready to look like. =)

My fan-freaking-tastic Guess heels I wore because my date was tall. Score!
Weird. Maintence doesn't ever show up on Saturdays. It's possible that I have a package. Maybe one of my friends is coming over to surprise me! It could be my over enthusiastic upstairs neighbor trying to hook me up with his nephew again. I probably just made that knock up in my head because my dog didn't bark. Perhaps it is someone who has the wrong apartment.
I open the door and UGH! I see this .... (Ok, John Carl of all people thinks that I cuss too much, so here is my cool, calm, and collected version of this post) two-timing, good for nothing, lying, douche-bag at my door. My heart was racing with rage. I wanted to just be like, "What the fuck are you doing here?" (Sorry JC), but I didn't say anything. I just looked at him. And when I looked at him I was glad to see him. You want to know why? I realized that I did an absolute downgrade in dating that guy. He is SHORT (in company of other things, i.e. lack of intelligence)! No offense to all the shorter guys out there, but I am used to dating tall guys. Hell, I'm 5 freakin 7. I throw on some heels and I am 6 ft, easy. 

He was standing there like he was about something with his head tilted backward so that I could see the insides of his nostrils...intimidating. NOT. Like really? My friends seriously let me date you? No one stopped me? I would not have been able to handle the low genetic potential of my children being tall! I'm half Korean! That is enough right there!!! And you know who I blame? Chase! Yes Chasey, I blame you for always being like, "you need to give the short, light skinned dudes a chance." Worst advice ever little brother. I should NEVER date anyone that has the same physical qualities as you. No offense. 

Anyways, I don't know if I ever looked over before, during, or after he spoke, but I saw something small catch my eye. It was the slut's (the original one, not Papaya) little girl. Obviously she couldn't be far and I was right. She was there to. I chuckled on the inside because I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she was there. Were you afraid I was going to be up your man? Or are you that insecure in your relationship that you had to come with him to his ex's house? 

I hear this dude say, "I heard you have some of my mail." Guess someone else reads my blogs too, because I am pretty sure the message I sent him went something like, I changed your mailing address and I forwarded your mail to your new place, certified mail came to my house, go get your mail at the Farmers Branch post office. My place is CLEARLY not the Farmers Branch post office, but hey, we know how bright these two are. So I turned around and grabbed the most recent mail sitting next to my door and hand that as well as the other pieces of mail in my dining room to him. He said, "thank you" and I closed the door. 

I did not say a word. And why should I? I am moved on from the situation. I just want that stupid chapter of my life closed! Shit, I want someone to burn it for me! Let's replay the situation in our heads on how this could have gone:
I would have said, "what the fuck are you doing here" which would have made him get all defensive and then stirred my hate up even more on the inside. That dumb slut would have taken his side and said something outrageous to me and I would have had to cuss her stupid ass out. Things would have gotten out of hand because there was a child there and I wouldn't have given two shits and yelling would have ensued. My neighbors would have gone all racist on me and called the cops on the black girl next door. Then I would not have been able to get ready dealing with these mofo's and my night with my date would have been ruined. 
So you see, I'm just smart. I had no time for the BS. I know that the reason why that whore came over here with him was because she was looking for drama. Her veins fiend for it. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of pissing me off. Plus, what the hell do I have to say to her? My issues are not with her, it is with that dick who used to live with me and couldn't keep it in his pants (though she would think this is all about her because she is clearly a narcissist). I could care less if that bitch got in a car wreck and died. Molly thinks that is mean, but I really couldn't. That is how insignificant she is in my life. I gave her the silent F U and I am pretty proud. You should be too!

My friends had better reactions to the whole situation. Elle said, "They are just trying to stir up drama for you so you would blog about them and make them feel special." "Did the prego hoe have the nerve to get out of the car without a burqa on?" "You'd think a text could suffice to say, 'Hi, I'm stupid and irresponsible. For months you saved my life and made it a better place for me by taking care of me. Now that I am in despair and I knocked up this hoe for some form if income stability, would you be so kind as to tell me if you have mail addressed to me?" "Goodness gracious. They must be too broke for television if they are trying to create their own drama show." <= BAHAHAHAH This is why I keep Elle Woods around! Wish granted guys! Here is your blog post!

But it is true. It is kind of rude to show up somewhere unannounced and definitely unwanted. I mean, I could have easily shown up to their place with his mail, but I am not a crazy, psycho, bitch. I don't have to stalk people. I was not interested in how people were doing, what they looked like, or how they lived. That is why I was forwarding ALL of the mail. But, you know that phrase "it takes one to know one"? I think it is outrageously hilarious that I have been called a "stalker" but the accuser was the one to actually show up to MY place! HA! Who is stalking who?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

That Slut is Pregnant!

I wish I could live my Pinterest life. Le sigh.

In my Pinterest world I am an awe-inspiring chef, photographer, crafter, decorator, say the wittiest shit, have a jaw dropping body, have fantastic red hair, plan awesome weddings, have an awesome wedding, have a FABULOUS home, own amazing shoes, clothes, and jewelry, go to breath taking places, and have an obsession with Hello Kitty and Owls (Ok, the last part is true).

Reality check: I am a transitioning vegetarian (not under times of stress though! I need MEAT!), suck at taking pictures, say dumb shit, want boobs, have tinted red hair, am a skinny bitch, have nothing that goes according to plan, live in a cramped apartment (city dwellers actually call this space) am a bargain shopper, don't own enough shoes, clothes, or jewelry (no man would ever agree though), go on cheap vacations to Florida, and have a slight obsession with Hello Kitty and owls (ok, you got me...the obsession is HUGE!)

Sometimes life just gives you shit that you DONT have pinned on your virtual pin baord. Ok, MOST of the time. One thing that I didn't have planned on my Pinterest OR in real life was to become a grandmother at 26. Yep. 26. If you have been following my blog from the beginning you know that I have two fur babies, Kiwi and Papaya. You would also know that Papaya is my heathen and she drives me absolutely ape shit crazy. So if you guessed that Papaya was knocked up I will confirm that yes, that slut is pregnant!
An Instagramed face of a whore

We are already showing
I know! You guys are all thinking, wait...didn't you take her to go get permanent birth control? Well, I'm on a budget, and my animals have a vet out here that is the equivalent of going to LSUHSC when you have no insurance and are sick/ dying. Soooo to get all of their shots I usually only pay like $40. When I asked how much it would cost to get Papaya's uterus removed and they told me $75, I was elated! The only stipulation was they had a waiting list until March 22. <---Ugh, Fine! If I kept her from procreating for a year of her life, what is another couple of months right? 

My journey in life teaches me new lessons every day. I should have known from my previous experiences that you can't stop a slut from becoming pregnant (hahaha) if that is what she wants to do. Now my kitty is running around with some random baby daddy and is going to be forced to orphan her kids. Yes, I am a horrible grandma, but there is no space for more fur balls in my 715 sq ft of living. 

I find all this out in the midst of freaking out about my school life, which has increased to an all new high. Having a death in your immediate family and trying to grieve while in Chiropractic school is an amazing feat and now I only have one more "chance to shine" before I end up repeating a class =(. I was told not to beat myself up about it, but it is kind of hard when I predicted this happening and everyone told me to "you better go back to school next tri" "If you don't go back, you probably will never go back!" Look people, I had already invested a lot of money into grad school, and unless I found me a sugar daddy in Leesville, I was gonna come back after my tri off! Shoulda, woulda, coulda, and now I have to deal with the consequences of my poor decision making. 

One day y'all, I hope to be better at this decision this life stuff in general! That's why I have Pinterest to keep me in line. Keep my eye on a ridiculously unattainable prize; but hey, it is nice to dream!!! So for now, I will keep the dream alive by studying for my finals and praying for the best, AND helping plan my grandma celebration party (it was suggested that we have a chrochet long as there is alcohol...I'm in!) 

To all my Parker peeps, I hope you have enjoyed this little distraction from you studies. Now get you nose back to those books and kick ass on your exams! I on the other hand, am going to go back to sleep since I only got 3-4 hours of sleep a night this week studying. Hopefully I'll dream sweet dreams since all I have been able to think about is school and how that slut is pregnant!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Confessions of a Tired Southern Belle

I try to live my life without regret. Try being the key word. I want to be one of those people that says, "I don't regret anything I have done because it brought me to where I am today." As much as I would like to say that this phrase is true, I can't help but to be a girl and give my uterus full control and ask, "what if?" What if I would have done something different and the outcome of my life would be completely changed? Would I be happier? Would I have more knowledge?

My confession of the day is I have a few regrets. Here they are:

  • I regret not going on vacation with my parents

My parents wanted to do a family vacation when I graduated college, but I was too much of a brat and didn't want to go because I didn't "want to spend Christmas in a hotel room." They did a road trip up the East coast and if you would have told me then that that would have been the only opporotunity I would have to have a family vacation...I would have done it.

  • I regret not saving my money in high school or college

Seriously? I can't even believe some of the things I wasted my money on back then. I have absolutely nothing to show for the years that I worked as a CNA or a retail associate with no real bills (What I'd give NOT to have real bills again). I could have boobs by now! At least I always had extra cute clothes and shoes right??

Cute clothes? Check! Amazing shoes? Check! 

  • I regret my parents not buying me the SUV I wanted for college graduation

Ok. I guess this really isn't my regret. And yes, my parents paid off the small amount of student loans (they gave me a card that said, "I know you thought you were getting a car...) I took out because I mostly paid for school with my scholarships and my job, but if I knew that I would be on my 3rd POS car, I would have convinced them that I needed a new car for graduation! In the end, what was another $6,000 on top of the $150,000 I am going to owe anyway? $6000 on a new car would have been a smarter investment.

  • I regret getting rid of my gym membership when I got to Dallas because "my school has a gym!"

Ugh. It is so much easier to stay fit than to become out of shape from sitting in a classroom for 8+ hours a day, staying up late, eating crap, and drinking daily and getting fit AGAIN!! I thought I'd stay in shape since the school has a gym, but after sitting in a classroom all day in which your professors rotate out, the LAST place I want to be after 5pm is at Parker College of Chiropractic. 

I know you guys are gonna be like, but you were never fat. And you are right! I wasn't ever fat, but I was  also NOT fitting into my clothes and I couldn't run down a hallway without being out of breath! 2 weeks of woking out 6 days a week with a workout I found on Pinterest and you can start to see my abs and waist again! I still have a little bit to go before I get back to my toned up body, but I am on the way to bringing sexy back!
Thankfully, I can say I don't have too many regrets...and they aren't serious ones for that matter. Everything I've done in the past I'd do again. But If I could go back in time and talk to my past self, I would definitely tell her to save some money, buy a car, work out, and never take for granted any moment you have with your parents! These are the confessions of a tired southern belle. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Girls Talk About at Slumber Parties

I have been drinking 3 days in a row without a hangover so that can only mean one thing...My college alcohol tolerance is back! Last night Molly asked if she could come over for a slumber party! We went out with a few guys from my high school and their friends since they were here to do the Tough Mudder. I didn't think I was drunk, but when I looked back at the evidence...I was. 

Most guys think that girls (and I am talking about the grown up kind here) get together in sexy lingerie and have pillow fights when they have slumber parties. You are about to see what really goes down. I couldn't make these conversations up if I wanted to. We literally let the camera roll for 40 minutes and was ourselves. Enjoy the next three educational minutes of your lives listening to what girls talk about at slumber parties. 

Conclusion: Your iPhone sucks because you can't watch this. Oh...sorry side tracked... girls talk about absolutely nothing and wear t-shirts and pajama pants...not even the Victoria's secret kind =S

Hope you guys enjoyed your April Fool's day and aren't too upset at me for my Facebook engagement prank. My friends that participated and I are convinced that the day I actually get engaged, no one will believe me! HAHAHA