Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lost Weekends, Babies, and Broke

When does good stuff start happening to good people?
How much bullshit does one have to go through before something good happens?

Maybe I'm not a good person. This would all make more sense.

There is always sunshine after the rain right?

Fuck this flood

I tried being positive and though I still have an inkling of positivity left somewhere inside of me, this shit fucking blows.

Ugh. I wish I could curse up a storm in everyday life. Damn those babies I live with. I can't fully express myself.


Sooooooo that's how I was originally gonna start this blog post, but I forgot I was working on being positive. Here is the deal. I have a lot going on right now. A LOT and I can only ask for you guys to say a sweet prayer for me. Tonight I read this neat article (CLICK ME TO READ) about having inflated expectations leading to immortal disappointment. Something I've always known about myself. I'm that girl that deletes Facebook every summer because I feel like IIIIIIIIIII should be on the beach, but I'm not.

I knew life after graduation would be tough, but nothing could have prepared me for all the things that have happened in the last 4 weeks most that I've decided NOT to share with the public.

I feel a lot better now that I've discussed why I used to be happy before moving to hell (*reminder* Hell=Dallas) I had nothing to complain about. I had a job that I loved, I had money because I had a job, and I had a huge home...all to myself and Kiwi and Papaya.
Mostly, however, I feel better because I got to spend time with a friend who has made it in life per se. We spent several hours talking about struggles and overcoming them. Knowing someone who personally did it and knowing that it didn't happen over night and how content she is with life...that is what gave me some hope.

So I'm gonna talk about shit that I like.

  • Ice cream.

I'm eating it as I type. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Ice cream makes EVERYTHING better...well except for upset stomach.

  • Miss Kansas 2014. 

She wanted to use archery as her talent. (She couldn't due to a clause against projectiles on stage.)



  • Crushing candy.

This needs elaboration. I just started playing the week after my graduation, so I guess I've been going on a month now. It used to annoy me to walk into a room full of people crushing candy but when I had to go on a road trip with my temporary (I know this make sense, but it will later) boyfriend at the time and his 2 friends, I knew that this was something I wanted to try to keep my self sane and occupied. Crushed some candy and couldn't figure out what the big deal was. In fact it just pissed me off when I got stuck on a level. Then said boyfriends showed me what happens when you put special candies together. Add that new found information with mom showing me how to get unlimited lives on my phone and I hands down became an addict. 
Boom. On like Donkey Kong.

  • Naked babies.
Babies are happy in general but there are none happier than the naked ones. They are free from the only restrictions that matter to them. Clothes. Add a pair of heels and you have one happy Diamond.

  • All things vintage.
Who doesn't like a blast from the past? Obviously everyone, that is why Instagram is so damn popular. I can't explain why I like old things. Probably because I worked in a nursing home for so many years and I used to get smacked on the ass (positive reinforcement?) by the old guys.

I always dreamt of being in one of these. Damn my genes for small boobs. 

So I have found things that make my heart go lub dub!! Prayers, finger crossing, and positive thoughts are all appreciated. More happy posts to come soon. I mean how bad can things really get? (I immediately looked for wood.) So I'm broke and I have to cut my own puppies hair now. I think she looks cuter than ever. Go me!

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