Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I'm listening to Flyleaf avoiding all studies and waiting on Jenna Marbles to post her vlog. This is my hump day

...sans humping.

I sit at home hitting the refresh Facebook button and wait for Jenna to post a video for my entertainment, entertaining myself with Pinterest and Hulu in the meanwhile. Is this really my Wednesdays?


Freakin Facebook. This is what people do with their lives when they are bored. This is our society. Tied to the damn computer, phone, television, iPad, tablet, and whatever the fuck else can plug into a wall. 

You have one because you are "trying to keep in touch with friends" right? (Too bad they don't make a device that would actually allow you to hear a persons voice and talk to them. That would be bad ass.) That is everyone's excuse. I've noticed that half the people on my newsfeed could give two shits about their friends. They are on there to either brag or vent. And as much as I say, "dude...I don't care..." I obviously do, because I keep getting on there reading statuses and making judgements about the people that post them.

My newsfeed consists of:

Military wives
Facebook posts include, but are not limited to: 
I miss my husband. 
We're moving!
I hate moving. 
I can't wait till he comes home. 
I love my husband.
He is the best.
Going to the commissary.
Cooking dinner for me and my hubby.
*Pictures that bring tears to my eyes i.e. him coming home and her crying* <--I'm too emotional

Stay at home moms
Facebook posts include, but are not limited to:
My baby just took her first steps!!
I'm so tired.
My baby turns one tomorrow!
I love my babies.
Taking the kids to the park.
My baby is sick. *Sad face*
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best diapers to use?
Four month check-up today.
*Pictures of adorable chubby faces that make my uterus jump and my ovaries ovulate*


No elaboration needed.
Everyone is a photographer these days
Don't act like you haven't noticed.

Facebook posts include, but are not limited to:
I need a sexy outfit.
Just got new shoes! 
I wish I had a man.
Going out!!
Going to get my hair done.
Just got my nails done.
Going to work!
Had a good night. GN Facebook (at 6 a.m.)
*pics of money*
*pics of half naked bodies*
*pics of new bags, shoes, clothes, etc.*

Facebook posts include, but are not limited to:
Like my new music page.
Check out my new song.
Just got out the booth.
Man I just spit some ill lyrics.
Follow me on twitter.
*post rap lyrics*
*post video links*

Random people that post pictures that my idiot friends like
Facebook posts include, but are not limited to:

Like this if you think he is beautiful. <--WTF Why?

Parker students
Facebook posts include, but are not limited to:
I hate Dr. Hall.
Eating Kale chips!
Getting adjusted.
I can't wait to get out of here.
Get adjusted!
Don't drink milk!
*posts documentary, CDC, FDA, links*
*posts controversial chiropractic pictures*

Sigh. I honestly feel like you can't live with Facebook and you can't live without it. Like seriously...when I check in you send my friends notifications on their phones as to where the hell I am? Way to be creepy. But on the other hand, I get to get in the minds strippers...Ok bad example...

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