Saturday, June 2, 2012

...In the Middle of the Night

I haven't posted on here in a while...its because I have been partying and drinking...drinking and partying...ok who am I kidding, we all know I blog when I have an important assignment due or a test to study for. So here I am, avoiding all of the above.

Nothing interesting has been happening in my life lately anyway so you haven't missed out. I've been busy taking care of these damn kittens...I treat them like my babies...which oddly enough is making me more domestic.

What I have been doing:

* Making my porch bad ass *
As you can tell I normally have a shitty view out of my front window, so I decided to go buy some pots and plants and a cute patio set from Target as well as some sexy lighting. Don't think I am original though. All ideas were found on Pinterest or in Elle Wood's head =)

*Being a sentimental bad ass*
George drew me that picture in November and I finally framed it! It reads, "To the daughter which has brought a new meaning to you are the light of my life" With a scripture from John 15:12.

* Making the pee room bad ass *
Smallest bathroom ever. Really. If you pee with the door closed you feel like your trapped. A bright color was needed to distract thoughts of being sucked into the toilets vortex. 

* Playing with bad ass kittens *
I haven't named these cuties yet because I don't want to get attached, even though it may be too late! If you know anyone who wants kittens they will be ready to go to a good home in a couple of weeks!

*Pretending to be a bad ass cook in a bad ass Ikea house*
Ikea is remodeling in Frisco. If you know what you want, they probably won't have it. However, they have new rooms to venture into!! Oh to live in 317sq ft and feel like it is 1000. Thank you Sweden.

* Trying to avoid being eaten by a zombie. That is the opposite of bad ass*
There needs to be no elaboration here. That shit is cray cray. 

Music Playlist at
*Being a bad ass Korean watching Kdramas and listening to Kpop*
I am currently watching one with the actor in this video now! I love Kim Gun Mo and I'm a little partial to Yoon Sang-hyun because he plays an asshole on the show...and obviously I am attracted to those. 

* Reading 50 shades of bad ass*
Unless you don't have a pulse or have a which most of the male species has appreciated these 50 some odd shades, you have definitely heard of this erotic romance. Yes...I said erotic. It was 50 shades of WTF?! There is no intellectual content in this book, so if you like to read good writing, skip out on this trilogy. If you want to spice up you marriage though...this will definitely give you 50 reasons to jump your husbands the middle of the night.

1 comment:

  1. omg i am IN LOVE with christian grey... reading he 3rd book now...
