Monday, February 18, 2013

Love is in the Air

Appropriately, I want to tell you guys about my new love for my February post since Valentine's day is the theme of this month...or maybe I should tell you about African American history... that's boring. Anyway you need to catch up on my life before I can tell you about either.

First of all let me say Valentine's day is stupid. All of these girls on Facebook saying, "oh isn't he so sweet he got me flowers!" Actually, you'd be pissed if he didn't get you shit. He is just staying out of an argument because for once, he is smart. And really, getting the same shit other people get on the same damn day isn't really special. Get me a gift on a random day because you were thinking of me. Now that's sweet, but you gotta love commercialized holidays.


2 weeks ago at movie night I left before the movie ended because I wasn't feeling well. I hopped in my little Honda and turned on the heat.  I was 5 minutes away from my house when my heat all of the sudden went out and started blowing the freezing cold air outside. I kept driving thinking my old car was just being weird, but when I exited I just heard a lot of clanking happening under the hood. I barely made it inside the gate of my apartment complex when I saw smoke coming from the car. I parked my vehicle, took everything out,and walked to my place.

The next day Am Bam came over so we could call AAA and have them tow my car. We sat in the car goofing off while I drank a lot of water, drank kombucha, and took cranberry pills like it was going out of style for what I thought was a UTI. The tow-man finally came and prophesied that the repair to my car was going to be in the $2000 range. We get to my mechanic and drop off the car thinking my radiator was the issue. Amber and I got 10 minutes up the road when my mechanic told me he found the problem and to come back.

My report of findings wasn't good. I needed a new engine because all that smoke was my camshaft melting off from not having enough oil since I had an oil leak. Ugh. I wasn't even up for my oil change yet! I was told that it would be cheaper to replace the engine than to try and fix the camshaft alone. A new engine? After I put in a new transmission last year? With tears in my eyes and confused about what I was going to do, I left to go get a sympathy lunch with Am Bam. 

I caught rides from people and was loaned cars mostly from Canada who was in Canada-land for boards. Without a car that weekend the blonde bombshell kept me entertained with a furniture re-do project that I can't wait to blog about! In the meantime, I kept getting sicker and started having pain in the middle of my back.
Pain aside, Am Bam and I went car shopping the next weekend. It was exhausting going from one place to the next being dissatisfied with the selection I was given for cars under $10,000.
My mom was the money supplier so we skyped all day to look at cars with us. When I finally found the one, things got complicated. Who would have thought it would be so hard to get money from Louisiana to Texas on a Saturday? I ended up having BB buy the car for me on her credit card and pay her back. Of course nothing can be easy when it comes to me!

So yes, I have a new love. He's gorgeous, reliable and is easy to ride (grrrr). I'm completely head over heels with my new car. Hopefully it will bring me nothing but joy instead of all the pain that the Honda gave me. It's been a match made in heaven and I must say I haven't been happier! As for being sick for 3 weeks, well turns out I had a kidney infection. When it rains...

Whoop whoop! Thanks to my friends for helping me and to my super awesome mom who would give her left arm to make sure I'm ok!

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