Monday, July 16, 2012

Guilty Pleasure Monday

Guilty Pleasuresomething one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The "guilt" involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes.

Ok, everyone has a guilty pleasure. If you say you don't, then I hope you don't believe that lying sends you to hell...because that is where you would be going. 

My guilty pleasure this week is a song...actually the musical artist that sings that song. You can already figure it out from here, but I like to elaborate. So I am sitting in my car with the windows down rocking my new Oakley Frogskins. I'm feeling great because the weather isn't terribly hot, my hair is a new color and I am a year older. Nothing could make this day better. Then I hear it. That song that I love so much on the radio. Winning!

I turn the song up and recognizing that I was emabarrased of myself, rolled my windows up, and turned on the AC. I sing the words as loud as I can bobbing my head to the beat. I pull up to the red light and look over to my left at the guy stopped beside me. Silver Benz and all kinds of sexy. I immediately stop bobbing my head and try to look cool. Thank God, I have some cool sunglasses, because the 98 Honda Accord was no help at all. 

For some reason though, I can't stop singing the song. It has some kind of a hold on me. I just love it so much! Instead of screaming the song (in my attempts for sexy silver benz man not to hear my "singing") I do a whispered version of the song. God, I hope he can't read my lips. The light turns green and I let him zoom off. What was I thinking? Was I hoping to make a love connection at the stop light?! Psssh. I turn my music back up and start singing again.

It's one of those even when it's over you keep singing it no matter what the next song on the radio is. That is of course what I did. Then I went home and played it on repeat. =/

Well here it is...the guilty pleasure of the week:

Justin Bieber's Boyfriend

I hate to even admit that I have a little bit of the Bieber fever, but rest assured that I will take some Motrin for that. There is nothing attractive about this 18 year old that sounds like he hasn't hit puberty yet. In fact, he looks more like some lesbians I know than a man. I could see being attracted to him if I liked girls. Unfortunately, I don't, but I am attracted to his girlfriend Selena Gomez. How that even happened still gives me a mind explosion. 

I try to only like one Canadian thing a week, but it looks like it is going to be a tie between my personal Canadian and the Biebs. Thanks Biebs for making such a great song for me to jam out to even though I am slightly embarrassed. 


  1. I have been known to have that on repeat for the better part of an hour.


  2. "Hey girl let me talk to you" is my text alert on my iphone LOL the song is quite addictive
