Friday, December 14, 2012


I am a total slacker on this blog, but I am super busy. Not really. Just super tired. 

I just want to tell you how insanely broke I am. Like, it should be illegal to be this broke, or I should be supplemented by the government (Yea right, hard working woman with no money receive help from the government? Puh!) 

Currently, I am looking for a J.O.B because costs money. You don't believe me? Part 3 and 4 boards are coming up and they have to be paid in January as soon as I get my loan check. You thought I was going to tell you that it cost me my head right? You're wrong. It only costs about 2 arms and a leg. That's right $1900. Uhhhh How am I supposed to pay rent again? 


So I've been on a job hunt and let me tell you that is going as great as my recruiting patients into the clinic to graduate (currently 0 of the 15 recruits I need have been achieved). I've applied to what feels like everywhere, but my clinic schedule (9-7) is deterring people from hiring me. 

Last tri I decided that the best place to get a job is at the strip club...waitressing people! Geez get a grip. I've been to the titty bar before with friends on different occasions and quite frankly women walking abound topless isn't that big of a deal for me. It's like changing in the locker room or living with my mom. Anyways, I know some people that know some people, but the nice club I have been to and wanted to work at wasn't hiring. Womp Womp. So I tried another one that a friend of mine worked at when she lived here. Couldn't be too awful right? 

I went to go pick up a girlfriend (just in case it was sketch) to apply in person and I could smell the vultures on us. We walk in and the front girl who was as rude and dull as all get out handed me an application. I filled it out and she told me to go inside to the bar. Thank God I didn't go alone because this was an experience that needed to be shared. 

My friend walks in ahead of me when the front girl says that I am the only one allowed in. So I walk in past a mini stage with a pole attached and saw all kinds of goodies hanging out. My eyes immediately darted to the bar so I wouldn't be distracted by...the cookies in the jar. I sit at the bar and this guy walks over and sits next to me with a plate of food. We spoke while I waited on the waitress manager. 

Now I was dressed in my clinic clothes so I looked a lot fancier than anyone in that joint. The man asks if I was there to get a job. I replied yes and he proceeded to ask which job, "Bouncer, waitress, dancer?" I joked that I was a shoe in for the bouncer job in which he responded that I looked more like the dancer. When I crushed his dreams with my aspirations of just becoming a waitress, he tried to convince me to be like the topless woman in a purple thong on the main stage who seemed to be absolutely and insanely high. 

By this point the manager walks over and pulls me aside for the interview. The interview process went something like, "How old are you? Do you have reliable transportation? Are you comfortable with the uniform?" At this point I'm just thinking, this is a piece a cake! Nailed it!

So we part ways, say goodbye and I walk out to see my more than ready to leave friend at the door. We walk out and share our experiences in which I was told that the girl on the mini stage...(you know the one with her stuff out) had a green thong wrapped around her leg with dollar bills in it. Ok, so she was showing her noonie cat. Then she told me that the woman was siting on the stage with her legs wide open in front of a man's face and her hands in her netherlands. 

Oh God. This just took a turn. And now you are all...well, what did you expect?! I'll tell you what I expected! Panties! I have never been to a titty bar where they took off their thongs! In fact, I think that is a rule in Louisiana!!! It is called titty bar for a reason! The emphasis is on the T-word. Honestly, I just don't know if I could be around vagina all day. No fret though, the club never called me back to work there. The strip club doesn't even want me. 

So I am continuing to be jobless with and moneyless. If you would like to donate to my eduacation and living Id gladly set up a paypal account, but alas I do NOT see anyone being that generous. 

Merry Christmas Yall!

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