Monday, September 2, 2013

Tell me, What DOES it Feel like to be a Doctor?

Everyone keeps asking what it feels like to be a doctor now...uhhhh the same? Worse? I don't know. I guess if I were to be an employed chiropractor I may feel different, but the current situation leaves me high and dry and looking for a temporary (I effing hate this word. Seriously HATE it.) job until I get licensed and/or figure out what I am going to do with my life.

The only cool part about be a Dr. so far is that my car insurance got cut in half. I mean that's cool. Obviously I'm a more responsible driver now because I went from Miss to Dr. right (obviously they don't know I'm half asian and ALL woman)? People are all excited telling me how much money I'm gonna make and shit and I'm just like dude, did you read my last post? I'm $207,000 in debt and I didn't even have ANY debt from undergrad! And let's be real, another D.C. (doctor of chiropractic) isn't trying to pay a new D.C. because they like to "eat their young". So everyone calm down for a minute!

I'm jealous of the people smart enough to have gotten married to a normal person before or in chiropractic school since that normal person could save up money with their normal job for their love to get out and pursue their dream of becoming their own doctor. I'm also jealous of people that had normal bad ass jobs before coming to chiropractic school and saving up money. So all in all as a doctor I feel jealous of most people....anyone with a job or any sort of money (including $5 to their name), I feel tired since I'm doing absolutely nothing but stressing, and I feel broke...because my bank account is emoty as of Saturday (could they not have continued my student loan until I actually got a job? Waaaaah!).

I question if I went into the right profession sometimes. I mean it would have been much easier to be a nurse or a doctor as far as getting a job after school. I could always work at some hospital and make a decent living to where I could start paying off student loans. When have I ever done something easy though? And no I'm not saying it is easy to become a M.D. or D.O. but damn my personality for always going against the grain!

There are some upsides to being temporarily taken care of by your second family in Shreveport. I get to sit out in the country and listen to humming birds on the porch. Don't judge, but I didn't know those things made a sound other then the purr of their wings flapping a million times a minute. They're actually quite obnoxious chirping at each other as they get nectar from an unnatural source. It's like a game to them. I watched 3 of them chase each other around before I got tired of being ate up by mosquitos (it's because I'm so sweet) all over my exposed feet. Oh, and did I mention how wonderful it is to be in a state where I can wear black skinnies and not die of a heat stroke?

Sitting out here makes filling out applications on the lap top bearable. I didn't know how much these things have changed in the past 4 years. It's like they want your first born child! What if I don't have one of those? Do they still want my kid if I adopt? *Sigh* Applications are just difficult in general. Applying to get my Louisiana chiropractic license was just as strenuous, not to mention the lady you have to contact is a huge BITCH. These people asked for my high school transcripts as if my college and chiropractic school transcripts are enough. Obviously I went to high school people! I'm surprised they didn't ask my blood type. O positive just in case you're curious.

Another up side to being in good old Louisiana...humidity. Well, good and bad. Bad for my hair, but good for my skin! I got this crazy eczema the last month and a half before I left Dallas. I wish I had the original before pics to show you how nuts and gross it was. I would wake up trying to dig my nails into my arms. I became so self concious about it, holding my arms where ever I would go. Well, that is now in the past thanks to some coconut oil, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, and most importantly humidity!

No amount of straightening could have fully straightened my hair in this humidity
Right arm on top and left arm on bottom
So I read to use coconut oil and mix it with sea salt and rub the affected area then wipe off with a warm cloth. Then squint your eyes and rub some apple cider vinegar on it. After jumping around from the slight burn smother coconut oil back on the affected area and go about your business. I did this once in the morning and then at night before bed and I had no itching throughout the day. Also putting coconut oil on before showering kept the water from drying my skin out. So after my rigorous routine for a few days, I looked like my first pic which was 100% better than it was previously (sorry for my lack of photos). 

Then 24 hours after being in Louisiana I looked like the 2nd picture. After 72 hours (of my missed humidity and coconut oil), my skin is back to being soft instead of that rough itchy flaky stuff it was. In fact in the 3rd pic you can see my skin healing and growing a new soft layer!

So there is that answer. Now you know what it feels like to be a newbie in the Chiropractic field. Less itchy and effing Scary!

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