Monday, September 9, 2013

One Broke Southern Belle

"Aunt Diamond are you NOT gonna leave?"
"No baby, I'm here forever."

No more temporary. Did I just promise that? I guess I did. I guess I have to stay here in Louisiana forever or as close to forever as I possibly can. 

There are some things I would like to be temporary though i.e. being broke. Do you know how crappy it feels to have your storage unit...your entire life in a metal box not paid for because you don't have enough money in your account for $37? I mean I am sure some of you do, but EFF! $37?!

I may be at my low financially, but I'm on the up and coming professionally! (thank you sweet baby Jesus. Let's hope that means moo-lah)

No more relationships with expiration dates. The next time I end a relationship it isn't going to be planned.

No more "friendships" that I need to keep just to make it easier for my life until I leave. Now I can choose who I want to talk to.

I'm a chiropractor and I'm home. All my dreams are starting to come true.

It's funny how a simple letter...someone's sweet, kind words can make your entire day...can change your mind set. I believe in me because someone else believes in me. Stupid in retrospect, but sometimes that's what you need.

Sometimes I feel like I dream too big, but tonight I feel like all of my dreams are attainable.

God has a plan for me that I have yet to figure out (thanks for the heads up Big Man -_-) But it's gonna happen 

and it's all gonna work out.

Where I am absolutely broke in my bank account, I am rich in blessings. 

Oh, I applied to work at Ann Taylor Loft today. I figured a discount on nice clothes I could wear to the office would be amazeballs. Fingers crossed for my last temporary venture!

Well that's all. That's my little pep talk out loud.

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