Friday, August 30, 2013

3 is Company, as well as 4 & 5

NOTE: I was supposed to post this a while ago, buuuuut I got busy

I am the only girl in the house with 3 boys. Well I was the only girl...

How did I get in this situation? That's easy, by refusing to go month to month at an apartment complex. They charge you a shit ton when you can't sign a lease!


So here I am living in the house with a womanizer, Am Bam's boyfriend and a guy that looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo when wearing a green shirt when paired with the Great Dane mix that also resides in this home. Full house? Wait till the girlfriends come over to stay the night! 

We live in a 3 bedroom house in the lovely historic neighborhood of Farmer's Branch. Oh? You caught that whole THREE bedroom thing? Yeah 3 bedrooms and 4 people. We turned the sitting room (the room you have to walk through when you come in the house) into my room. It actually worked out pretty well. We moved a couch, put in a bed, put up some curtains and viola! a "room" was created!

Well now that Am bam has come back we are 5 people with what was 5 animals: Otto (Great Dane mix), Hadley (black Lab) Kitten (black cat), Papaya, and Kiwi until I took the unruly, evil Papaya back to Louisiana. It is just a temporary situation right? Just like everything (Ugh EVERYTHING) in my life.

Look closely, there are 2 cats!
Well I graduate next Saturday and Molly had a baby!!! I don't even think I even mentioned that she was knocked up, but now we can graciously asked her to update her blog and tell us her amazing home birth story! *cough cough Molly*

All good things always come to an end right? I can't believe I survived 3 and a half years in Dallas. So many things, good and bad have happened in my stay here. I've met some awesome people that I am going to miss dearly and I grew up...A LOT. It has been the hardest thing saying goodbye to all of my patients that I have seen go from losing all hope to seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I have been so blessed to be a part of that amazing transition!

What am I going to do? Well,  I don't know. I guess keep blogging. I'm in a weird situation now. I have all of my things in storage here in Dallas and have no job lined up. I'm hoping to buy a practice so that I can start my own thing, but you never know what God has planned. I have no desire to associate with another doctor and make $38,000 to build THEIR practice while paying back 1-2 grand a month ($207,000 total) in student loans plus live my own life (I should have just went to Nursing school *sigh*). But you never know what will happen right? I may just have to be screwed in the butt hole by my own profession.

I just feel like I have a lot on my shoulders. My mom needs me. She hasn't had a steady job. Thankfully her house is paid for but her car note, our car insurance, and cell phone bills aren't going to pay themselves. So I am determined to do this on my own. Make a name for myself and keep me and my mom afloat. Talking about doing all of that is so daunting though knowing how much I am going to have to put in to get there.

I am lucky to have a strong support system. I have thought about moving away from Louisiana plenty of times, but how can I leave the people that love me and sacrifice so much for me? My bestie's mom and dad said I can live with them for a while so that will take me from Dallas in my current situation to Shreveport to live with Mom, Dad, Steph, and the two girls Harleigh, and Scarlett. I don't know how I keep getting in crazy living quarters, but I am counting my blessings because I will have another temporary place to live. 


  1. Well, I just have to say you are AMAZING! You are going to get exactly where God intends for you to be. I can tell just from what you've shared online that you have worked your butt off, but hey, you've always been strong willed and willing to take on any challenge. Times are tough for 20 somethings, but you've got your priorities straight and you are on the right track. Congratulations on graduating! I know that no matter where your career takes you, you will do great things and help people every day. :)

    1. Thank you so much Cassie! Your words mean so much!
