Friday, August 30, 2013

3 is Company, as well as 4 & 5

NOTE: I was supposed to post this a while ago, buuuuut I got busy

I am the only girl in the house with 3 boys. Well I was the only girl...

How did I get in this situation? That's easy, by refusing to go month to month at an apartment complex. They charge you a shit ton when you can't sign a lease!


So here I am living in the house with a womanizer, Am Bam's boyfriend and a guy that looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo when wearing a green shirt when paired with the Great Dane mix that also resides in this home. Full house? Wait till the girlfriends come over to stay the night! 

We live in a 3 bedroom house in the lovely historic neighborhood of Farmer's Branch. Oh? You caught that whole THREE bedroom thing? Yeah 3 bedrooms and 4 people. We turned the sitting room (the room you have to walk through when you come in the house) into my room. It actually worked out pretty well. We moved a couch, put in a bed, put up some curtains and viola! a "room" was created!

Well now that Am bam has come back we are 5 people with what was 5 animals: Otto (Great Dane mix), Hadley (black Lab) Kitten (black cat), Papaya, and Kiwi until I took the unruly, evil Papaya back to Louisiana. It is just a temporary situation right? Just like everything (Ugh EVERYTHING) in my life.

Look closely, there are 2 cats!
Well I graduate next Saturday and Molly had a baby!!! I don't even think I even mentioned that she was knocked up, but now we can graciously asked her to update her blog and tell us her amazing home birth story! *cough cough Molly*

All good things always come to an end right? I can't believe I survived 3 and a half years in Dallas. So many things, good and bad have happened in my stay here. I've met some awesome people that I am going to miss dearly and I grew up...A LOT. It has been the hardest thing saying goodbye to all of my patients that I have seen go from losing all hope to seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I have been so blessed to be a part of that amazing transition!

What am I going to do? Well,  I don't know. I guess keep blogging. I'm in a weird situation now. I have all of my things in storage here in Dallas and have no job lined up. I'm hoping to buy a practice so that I can start my own thing, but you never know what God has planned. I have no desire to associate with another doctor and make $38,000 to build THEIR practice while paying back 1-2 grand a month ($207,000 total) in student loans plus live my own life (I should have just went to Nursing school *sigh*). But you never know what will happen right? I may just have to be screwed in the butt hole by my own profession.

I just feel like I have a lot on my shoulders. My mom needs me. She hasn't had a steady job. Thankfully her house is paid for but her car note, our car insurance, and cell phone bills aren't going to pay themselves. So I am determined to do this on my own. Make a name for myself and keep me and my mom afloat. Talking about doing all of that is so daunting though knowing how much I am going to have to put in to get there.

I am lucky to have a strong support system. I have thought about moving away from Louisiana plenty of times, but how can I leave the people that love me and sacrifice so much for me? My bestie's mom and dad said I can live with them for a while so that will take me from Dallas in my current situation to Shreveport to live with Mom, Dad, Steph, and the two girls Harleigh, and Scarlett. I don't know how I keep getting in crazy living quarters, but I am counting my blessings because I will have another temporary place to live.