Monday, October 29, 2012

Someone Told Me Pictures Are Worth 1000 Words

Im slacking in the blog department. Mostly because I am so freaking tired.
Clinic you are draining me
and killing my adrenals.

Before I go back on my weekly bloggery here is what has been going on:
  • Clinic camp - I went away for a whole 24hours to a Christian Camp in the middle of no where so I could get to know my "pod mates" (a group of classmates assigned to one area of the clinic) better as well as get to know my Staff doctors. 
Oh you were wondering how this went? 

Ummm It started at 545 am

We had to do like an obstacle course where we climbed up telephone poles, sweat, used critical thinking skills to finish challenges, sweat, swing on ropes, sweat, let out our deepest emotions, cried, sweat some more, and used cheerleading skills to get people over walls.

All in all it was a good experience, but I was so glad to be back home in my own bed and away from people that want to hug me every five seconds. I hate being touched. 
  • Working in the clinic. You know? Adjusting people. It's been awesome, mostly because this is what I absolutely LOVE to do!

Yea, I know. All these are BAD examples of what actually gets done in clinic. 
  • Stressing out about Part II and PT Board scores. (I PASSED!!!!)
  • Singing Karaoke
  • Tweeting randomness. I have a Twitter! Follow me @dimepiece337
  • Watching people sky dive from space
  • Painting shit

  • Going to concerts

  • Dressing Up
Yes, that is Lil Wayne
  • And living my awesome sometimes ridiculous life!

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