Sunday, September 9, 2012

Outside Looking In

Lately I have been CRAZY! I've been stressed out to the max with financial constraints, testing for clinic, studying for boards, going to seminars, and ahhhh! So needless to say that I lost my mind...and my car keys for the day. Molly picked Kiwi and I up because Kiwi had a hair appointment and Molly had an appointment at the Genius bar at the Apple store. While waiting on some customer service at the Apple store, we decide to google how to break into a car and found a video on Youtube. It took the guy less than 2 minutes. Simple enough right? Less than 2 minutes! We can do this!!! 

Well after a day of shopping, leaving Kiwi at Petsmart until 8:50pm and eating and drinking Mojitos at Cantina Laredo, we decide to break into my car.

Lessons learned:

1. Beer makes everything better
2. Lots of guys think they can break into your car 
3. Breaking into your car is harder than it looks on youtube 
4. No one will call the cops on you even if you have a coat hanger and stick it down a window 
5. The cops can't help you...not that they care 
6. You can use a string and a knot to unlock your car 
7. Molly and I don't know how to tie a good knot 
8. Slim Jims (not the food) are illegal to buy 
9. The fire department will break into your car as long as its before 11 
10. Honda was or is the most stolen car so they seal the window well (no rain in the car!).

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